Browsing All of EconStor by Author Beblo, Miriam

Showing results 1 to 20 of 49
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999How Do German Couples Spend Their Time?: A Panel-Data AnalysisBeblo, Miriam
2000How much does a year off cost? Estimating the wage effects of employment breaks and part-time periodsBeblo, Miriam; Wolf, Elke
2000Measuring Income Inequality in EurolandBeblo, Miriam; Knaus, Thomas
2000Der Haushalt als Forschungsgegenstand der ökonomischen TheorieBeblo, Miriam; Soete, Birgit
2001The unification bonus (malus) in postwall Eastern GermanyBeblo, Miriam; Collier, Irwin L.; Knaus, Thomas
2002Erfolgsabhängige Vergütung: Ein sicherer Weg zur Steigerung der Leistung von Top-Managern?Zwick, Thomas; Wolf, Elke; Beblo, Miriam
2002Intergenerational Poverty Dynamics in Poland: Family Background and Children's Educational Attainment During TransitionLauer, Charlotte; Beblo, Miriam
2002Wage Penalties for Career Interruptions: An Empirical Analysis for West GermanyBeblo, Miriam; Wolf, Elke
2002Die Folgekosten von ErwerbsunterbrechungenBeblo, Miriam; Wolf, Elke
2003Welfare Analysis of Fiscal Reforms: Does the Representation of the Family Decision Process Matter? Evidence for GermanyLaisney, François; Beninger, Denis; Beblo, Miriam
2003Family Tax Splitting: A Microsimulation of its Potential Labour Supply and Intra-household Welfare Effects in GermanyLaisney, François; Beninger, Denis; Beblo, Miriam
2003Measuring Selectivity-Corrected Gender Wage Gaps in the EUHeinze, Anja; Beninger, Denis; Beblo, Miriam; Laisney, François
2004Is there a wage premium or wage discount for flexible hours?Beblo, Miriam; Heinze, Anja; Wolf, Elke
2004Does Work Time Flexibility Work? An Empirical Assessment of the Efficiency Effects for German FirmsWolf, Elke; Beblo, Miriam
2005Ganztagsschulen und Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern: Eine Mikrosimulationsstudie für DeutschlandBeblo, Miriam; Lauer, Charlotte; Wrohlich, Katharina
2005Ganztagsschulen und Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern: eine Mikrosimulationsstudie für DeutschlandBeblo, Miriam; Lauer, Charlotte; Wrohlich, Katharina
2005Ganztagsschulen und Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern: Eine Mikrosimulationsstudie für DeutschlandBeblo, Miriam; Lauer, Charlotte; Wrohlich, Katharina
2006The wage effects of entering motherhood: a within-firm matching approachBeblo, Miriam; Bender, Stefan; Wolf, Elke
2006The wage effects of entering motherhood: a within-firm matching approachBeblo, Miriam; Bender, Stefan; Wolf, Elke
2007The Male Marital Wage Premium in Germany: Selection versus SpecializationBarg, Katherin; Beblo, Miriam