Browsing All of EconStor by Author Breuss, Fritz

Showing results 1 to 20 of 53
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1985Generalized Robinson and Marshall-Lerner Conditions With Positive Import Content of Exports. The Case of Two CountriesBreuss, Fritz
1989A Generalization of the Phillips CurveBreuss, Fritz
1992Statische und dynamische Effekte der bisherigen Europa-Integration ÖsterreichsBreuss, Fritz
1995Opening Up of Eastern Europe and EU's Eastern European Enlargement. The Impact on the Austrian EconomyBreuss, Fritz; Schebeck, Fritz
1995Cost and Benefits of EU's Eastern European EnlargementBreuss, Fritz
1996Die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Abschluß oder Ende der Europäischen Integration?Breuss, Fritz
1999Economic Policy Coordination in the EMU. How Much Scope will There be Within the Framework of the Stability and Growth Pact?Breuss, Fritz; Weber, Andrea
2001The Impact of Agenda 2000's Structural Policy Reform on FDI in the EUBreuss, Fritz; Egger, Peter; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2001Macroeconomic Effects of EU Enlargement for Old and New MembersBreuss, Fritz
2002Was ECB's Monetary Policy Optimal?Breuss, Fritz
2002Structural Policy Reform and the Distribution of FDI in EuropeBreuss, Fritz; Egger, Peter; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2003Structural Funds, EU Enlargement, and the Redistribution of FDI in EuropeBreuss, Fritz; Egger, Peter; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2003Österreich, Finnland und Schweden in der EU - Wirtschaftliche AuswirkungenBreuss, Fritz
2004Has Austria's Accession to the EU Triggered an Increase in Competition? A Sectoral Markup StudyBadinger, Harald; Breuss, Fritz
2004WTO Dispute Settlement: An Economic Analysis of four EU-US Mini Trade WarsBreuss, Fritz
2004Decentralising the public sector: Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth: Is there Really a Link?Breuss, Fritz; Eller, Markus
2004WIFO-Macromod. An Econometric Model of the Austrian EconomyBaumgartner, Josef; Breuss, Fritz; Kaniovski, Serguei
2005Die Zukunft der Lissabon-StrategieBreuss, Fritz
2006Ostöffnung, EU-Mitgliedschaft, Euro-Teilnahme und EU-Erweiterung: Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf ÖsterreichBreuss, Fritz
2006Warum wächst die Wirtschaft in Österreich rascher als in Deutschland?Breuss, Fritz