MNB Working Papers, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

ISSN: 1585-5600

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 127
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024More data, more credit? Information sharing and bank credit to householdsBriglevics, Tamás; Karapetyan, Artashes; Ongena, Steven; Schindele, Ibolya
2024Spillover effects of foreign currency loans: The role of the bank lending channelFilep-Mosberger, Palma; Kaszab, Lorant; Ren, Zhou
2024Impact of acquisitions on firms' performanceEndresz, Marianna; Gábriel, Péter
2023Optimal forecast combination under asymmetric loss and regime-switchingMonostoriné Grolmusz, Viola
2023Recovering stock analysts' loss functions from buy/sell recommendationsMonostoriné Grolmusz, Viola
2023The effect of regulatory requirements and esg promotion on market liquidityCsóka, Péter; Hevér, Judit
2023Endogenous growth, countercyclical dividends, and asset pricesFilep-Mosberger, Palma; Kaszab, Lorant; Ren, Zhou
2022Treasury supply shocks and the term structure of interest rates in the UKLengyel, Andras
2022The anatomy of consumption in a household foreign currency debt crisisGyöngyösi, Gyîozîo; Rariga, Judit; Verner, Emil
2022Monetary policy and household loan supply: Volume and composition effectsGyöngyösi, Gyîozîo; Ongena, Steven; Schindele, Ibolya
2022Asset pricing with free entry and exit of firmsKaszab, Lorant; Marsal, Ales; Rabitsch, Katrin
2022A high resolution agent-based model of the Hungarian housing marketMérîo, Bence; Borsos, András; Hosszú, Zsuzsanna; Oláh, Zsolt; Vágó, Nikolett
2022A simple framework for analyzing the macroeconomic effects of inside moneyVilági, Balázs; Vonnák, Balázs
2022Income tax evasion estimation in HungaryFilep-Mosberger, Pálma; Reiff, Ádám
2021Estimating the effect of monetary policy with dissenting votes as instrumentVonnák, Balázs
2021Interest rate rules, rigidities and inflation risks in a macro-finance modelHorváth, Roman; Kaszab, Lorant; Mars, Ales
2021A model-based comparison of macroprudential toolsRots, Eyno; Székely, Barnabás
2021Credit constrained firms and government subsidies: Evidence from a European Union programGoel, Tirupam; Lang, Péter; Balogh, Eszter; Banai, Ádám; Stancsics, Martin; Takáts, Elîod; Telegdy, Álmos
2021Spillover effects in firms' bank choiceFilep-Mosberger, Pálma; Lindner, Attila; Rarig, Judit
2020Shock propagation in the banking system with real economy feedbackBorsos, Andras; Mero, Bence
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 127