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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 346.
2024Markups, profit shares, and cost-push-profit-led inflationNikiforos, Michalis; Grothe, Simon; Weber, Jan
2024What contributes to consumer price inflation? A novel decomposition framework with an application to AustriaSchneider, Martin
2024Uma análise da evolução e da eficiência na agropecuária da Amazônia legal e suas consequências sobre o desmatamento na regiãoLeite, Caio Rodrigues Gomes; Marinho, Alexandre; Brandão, Antonio Salazar P.
2024The nature and the strength of agglomeration drivers and their technological specificitiesDosi, Giovanni; Snaidero, Anna
2024Measuring the contribution of international remittances to household expenditures and economic output: A micro-macro analysis for the PhilippinesKikkawa, Aiko; Gaspar, Raymond; Kim, Kijin; Mariasingham, Mahinthan J.; Zamora, Christian Marvin
2024Digitalisation and productivity: A report by the ESCB expert group on productivity, innovation and technological changeBijnens, Gert; Botelho, Vasco; Falck, Elisabeth; Labhard, Vincent; Lamo, Ana; Röhe, Oke; Schroth, Joachim; Sellner, Richard; Strobel, Johannes
2024Input-output modeling amidst crisis: Tracing natural gas pathways in the Czech Republic during the war-induced energy turmoilVeruete Villegas, Inaki; Ščasný, Milan
2024Análise do efeito distributivo da precificação de carbono no BrasilPereira Júnior, Amaro Olimpio; Maia, Rodrigo; Mendonça, Mário Jorge; Casaca, Paulo Roberto Santos
2024Economia azul e crescimento econômico: O mar brasileiro em perspectivaAndrade, Israel de Oliveira; Carvalho, Andrea Bento; da Silva, Solange Teles; Mont'Alverne, Tarin Cristino Frota
2024Deindustrialization paths and growth models: Germany and Spain in comparative perspectiveCasau, Miguel Angel; Herrero, Daniel