Working Papers, Christian Doppler Laboratory Aging, Health and the Labor Market, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Looking into the black box of "medical progress": Rising health expenditures by illness type and ageBreyer, Friedrich; Lorenz, Normann; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas
2021Covid-19 and the forces behind social unrestLackner, Mario; Sunde, Uwe; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2021Paying adolescents for health screenings worksHalla, Martin; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas
2021Complexities of health and acceptance of electronic health records for the Austrian elderly populationHalmdienst, Nicole; Pruckner, Gerald J.; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2020Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour marketsAntón Pérez, José Ignacio; Fernández-Macías, Enrique; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2020The intergenerational transmission of opioid dependence: Evidence from administrative dataAhammer, Alexander; Halla, Martin
2020Intergenerational transmission of unemployment: Causal evidence from AustriaGrübl, Dominik; Lackner, Mario; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2020The health externalities of downsizingAhammer, Alexander; Grübl, Dominik; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2020Mass gatherings contributed to early COVID-19 spread: Evidence from US sportsAlexander, Ahammer; Martin, Halla; Lackner, Mario
2019Automation, offshoring and the role of public policiesSchmidpeter, Bernhard; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2019Birth order, parental health investment, and health in childhoodPruckner, Gerald J.; Schneeweis, Nicole; Schober, Thomas; Zweimüller, Martina
2018Exploring variations in healthcare expenditures: What is the role of practice styles?Ahammer, Alexander; Schober, Thomas
2018Retirement and healthcare utilizationFrimmel, Wolfgang; Pruckner, Gerald J.
2018Effect of measles outbreak on vaccination uptakeSchober, Thomas
2018How do automation and offshorability influence unemployment duration and subsequent job quality?Schmidpeter, Bernhard; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2018The effect of prenatal maternity leave on short and long-term child outcomesAhammer, Alexander; Halla, Martin; Schneeweis, Nicole
2018Health care utilization of refugeesSchober, Thomas; Zocher, Katrin
2018Attitudes of elderly Austrians towards new technologies: Communication and entertainment versus health and support useHalmdienst, Nicole; Radhuber, Michael; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2018Exploring variations in healthcare expenditures: What is the role of practice styles?Ahammer, Alexander; Schober, Thomas
2017The company you keep: Health behavior among work peersPruckner, Gerald J.; Schober, Thomas; Zocher, Katrin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41