Schriftenreihe Logistik der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der htw saar

ISSN: 2193-7761

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 22
2024Bedarfsanalyse zum Aufbau eines Food Co-Working Space für die Verarbeitung regionaler Lebensmittel(überschüsse) im SaarlandHein, Nika; Melo, Teresa
2023Modeling and solving a dynamic logistics network design problem with temporary capacity expansion and reductionCorreia, Isabel; Melo, Teresa
2021The impact of flexible warehouse lease contracts on the configuration of a two-echelon distribution networkCorreia, Isabel; Melo, Teresa
2021Supplementary material to the book chapter "Facility Location Modeling in Supply Chain Network Design: Current State and Emerging Trends"Costa Salas, Yasel José; Melo, Teresa
2020Tactical planning of sugarcane harvest and transport operationsAliano Filho, Angelo; Melo, Teresa; Pato, Margarida Vaz
2019Dynamic facility location problem with modular capacity adjustments under uncertaintyCorreia, Isabel; Melo, Teresa
2019Two-phase heuristics for a multi-period capacitated facility location problem with service-differentiated customersSauvey, Christophe; Melo, Teresa; Correia, Isabel
2018Impact of partial product outsourcing, transportation mode selection, and single-assignment requirements on the design of a multi-stage supply chain networkCortinhal, M. J.; Lopes, M. J.; Melo, M. T.
2017Redesigning a food bank supply chain network, Part II: Computational studyMartins, C. L.; Melo, Teresa; Pato, Margarida Vaz
2017Truck driver scheduling with combined planning of rest periods, breaks and vehicle refuelingBernhardt, A.; Melo, Teresa; Bousonville, Thomas; Kopfer, Herbert
2016Redesigning a food bank supply chain network, Part I: Background and mathematical formulationMartins, C. L.; Melo, Teresa; Pato, Margarida Vaz
2016A computational comparison of formulations for a multi-period facility location problem with modular capacity adjustments and flexible demand fulfillmentCorreia, Isabel; Melo, Teresa
2016Scheduling of driver activities with multiple soft time windows considering European regulations on rest periods and breaksBernhardt, A.; Melo, Teresa; Bousonville, Thomas; Kopfer, Herbert
2015Multi-period capacitated facility location under delayed demand satisfactionCorreia, Isabel; Melo, Teresa
2015A comparison of reward systems for truck drivers based on telematics data and driving behavior assessmentsBousonville, Thomas; Ebert, Christian; Rath, Jasmin
2014Redesigning a three-echelon logistics network over multiple time periods with transportation mode selection and outsourcing opportunitiesCortinhal, M. J.; Lopes, M. J.; Melo, M. T.
2014Forschung an Fachhochschulen - Treiber für Innovation im Mittelstand: Ergebnisse der Qbing-Trendumfrage 2014Steinhaus, Anne; Hütter, Steffen
2013Leitfaden zur Implementierung von RFID in kleinen und mittelständischen UnternehmenSteinhaus, A.; Hütter, S.
2013Location and logisticsAlumura, Sibel A.; Karab, Bahar Y.; Melo, M. Teresa
2012A note on challenges and opportunities for Operations Research in hospital logisticsMelo, Teresa
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 22
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers