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Series/Report no.: 
ADBI Working Paper No. 862
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Tokyo
The expansion of green renewable energy has been very limited in all the Asian countries, despite their various differences. The contributing factors are numerous, but, the financial factor has been the single major factor determining whether or not a country opts for such energy. This is notwithstanding awareness about the unsustainability of fossil energy-dominated energy mixes, both for environmental and economic reasons. The main culprit is Asia's bank-dominated financial system with its underdeveloped capital market, which leaves Asian banks as the major source of funding for green renewable energy projects. Considering these projects as very risky with low rate of return on their invested capital, their reluctance to finance them has been the major barrier to the expansion of green renewable energy in Asia. Addressing the financing challenge is both possible and necessary to remove the barrier to green energy expansion in Asia.
renewable energy financing
sustainable development
sustainable energy
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Document Type: 
Working Paper

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