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ild Schriftenreihe der FOM No. 64
MA Akademie Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH, Essen
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
Logistics commands a huge variety of dynamic developments, driven by technological, organizational and market changes. In particular, automation and ergonomics are promising means to increase economical, ecological and social sustainability. The publication of this research paper marks completion of the second phase of the ADINA (automation technology and ergonomic support for innovative picking and transshipment concepts of logistics in NRW) research project. Based on the requirements analysis in phase one of the project, this paper encompasses the selection of technologies and ergonomic solutions. In order to do so, section one of this paper introduces the research project before the second chapter describes the screening process of potential automation and ergonomics solutions in ADINA. Section three then describes an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that was employed to support the selection of technologies, preceding an evaluation of the benefits of these tools over existing solutions in section four. Both sections (three, four) describe the approach of this study and report on survey and results. Section five concludes with a discussion of the current results and gives a project outlook.
Research Report


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