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Year of Publication: 
[Journal:] Administrative Sciences [ISSN:] 2076-3387 [Volume:] 13 [Issue:] 1 [Article No.:] 7 [Year:] 2023 [Pages:] 1-12
MDPI, Basel
In every organization, employees deal with increasing job pressures. In recent years, women have faced even greater difficulties in such circumstances. This study proposed to investigate how work-life balance (WLB) affects the personal lives of working women in the banking industry of Larkana city, Pakistan. The information was gathered via a standardized questionnaire from 266 female bank employees in Larkana. The ANOVA results showed that a good WLB generally had a beneficial impact on working women's personal lives. While prolonged working hours (PLWH) had a detrimental impact on women's personal lives (PL), income packages (SP) and marital status (MS) had beneficial effects. A successful work-life balance in the banking industry will increase female employees' commitment and productivity, and our study concluded that any positive work-life policies and practices offered by banking companies present additional benefits. This study offers essential intriguing facts and empirical evidence on this little-studied region in the city of Larkana. Moreover, our study emphasizes the practical ramifications of WLB for working women and organizations.
balanced lifestyle
banking sector
work-life balance
working women
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