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Diskussionsbeitrag No. 2303
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung (DARE), Göttingen
Aesthetic enjoyment and landscape beauty are increasingly recognized as significant attributes of cultural landscapes. Agriculture is an important integral part of the cultural landscape in many places. To date, however, there has been little research into the visual quality of agricultural landscapes - particularly of farm buildings. Consequently, this qualitative study focuses on local residents' emotional reactions to the visual impact of dairy barns as well as their subjective perceptions. The interviewees in the present study looked at various images of different dairy barn designs and dairy barns embedded in the landscape. The dairy barns shown were based on real-life dairy barns in the German agricultural region of Osnabrück in northwestern Germany. All 16 interviewees lived in the region at the time the study was conducted. The interviewees answered a questionnaire to reflect their perceptions and thoughts on the dairy barns. The evaluation shows that the quality of the landscape aesthetics of dairy farms is of importance to the interviewees. Being able to see cattle is one of the key factors contributing to a positive assessment of the landscape aesthetic quality of a dairy farm. Furthermore, this study shows that visual messages have a wide influence on the general perception of a farm. In fact, the analysis of the interviews conducted shows how numerous interpretations of how a farm is run can be derived from visual perception.
Dairy barn design
dairy farming
agricultural landscape
qualitative research
Working Paper

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