Browsing All of EconStor by Author McGuinness, Seamus

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011Transitions to long-term unemployment risk among young people: Evidence from IrelandKelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus; O'Connell, Philip J.
2011One dummy won't get it: The impact of training programme type and duration on the employment chances of the unemployed in IrelandMcGuinness, Seamus; O'Connell, Philip J.; Kelly, Elish
2011Carrots without sticks: The impacts of job search assistance in a regime with minimal monitoring and sanctionsMcGuinness, Seamus; O'Connell, Philip J.; Kelly, Elish
2012Job insecurity and future labour market outcomesMcGuinness, Seamus; Wooden, Mark; Hahn, Markus
2013The impact of the recession on the structure and labour market success of young NEET individuals in IrelandKelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus
2013Youth unemploymentMaguire, Sue; Cockx, Bart; Dolado, Juan J.; Felgueroso, Florentino; Jansen, Marcel; Styczyńska, Izabela; Kelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus; Eichhorst, Werner; Hinte, Holger; Rinne, Ulf
2013Transitions in and out of unemployment among young people in the Irish RecessionKelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus; O'Connell, Philip; Haugh, David; González Pandiella, Alberto
2014Changes in Labour Market Transitions in Ireland over the Great RecessionBergin, Adele; Kelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus
2014Examining the Relationships between Labour Market Mismatches, Earnings and Job Satisfaction among Immigrant Graduates in EuropeMcGuinness, Seamus; Byrne, Delma
2014Changes in labour market transitions in Ireland over the Great RecessionBergin, Adele; Kelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus
2014Examining the Relationship between Employee Resistance to Changes in Job Conditions and Wider Organisational Change: Evidence from IrelandCronin, Hugh; McGuinness, Seamus
2014Examining the relationship between employee resistance to changes in job conditions and wider organisational change: Evidence from IrelandCronin, Hugh; McGuinness, Seamus
2014Ireland's Recession and the Immigrant/Native Earnings GapBarrett, Alan; Bergin, Adele; Kelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus
2015Changes in labour market transitions in Ireland over the Great Recession: what role for policy?Bergin, Adele; Kelly, Elish; McGuinness, Seamus
2015Returns to education and the demand for labour in VietnamMcGuinness, Seamus; Kelly, Elish; Pham Thi Thu Phuong; Ha Thi Thu Thuy
2015Skill Gaps in the Workplace: Measurement, Determinants and ImpactsMcGuinness, Seamus; Ortiz, Luis
2015Born abroad and educated here: Examining the impacts of education and skill mismatch among immigrant graduates in EuropeMcGuinness, Seamus; Byrne, Delma
2016Determinants of Regional Differences in Rates of Overeducation in EuropeDavia, Maria A.; McGuinness, Seamus; O'Connell, Philip J.
2016Deconstructing Theories of Overeducation in Europe: A Wage Decomposition ApproachMcGuinness, Seamus; Pouliakas, Konstantinos
2016Is There a Role for Higher Education Institutions in Improving the Quality of First Employment?McGuinness, Seamus; Whelan, Adele; Bergin, Adele