Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Bertheau, Antoine
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 6 von 6
Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2020 | Employment Reallocation over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Danish Data | Bertheau, Antoine; Bunzel, Henning; Vejlin, Rune Majlund |
2022 | Employer-to-Employer Transitions and Time Aggregation Bias | Bertheau, Antoine; Vejlin, Rune Majlund |
2022 | The unequal consequences of job loss across countries | Bertheau, Antoine; Acabbi, Edoardo; Barceló, Cristina; Gulyas, Andreas; Lombardi, Stefano; Saggio, Raffaele |
2022 | The Unequal Cost of Job Loss across Countries | Bertheau, Antoine; Acabbi, Edoardo; Barcelo, Cristina; Gulyas, Andreas; Lombardi, Stefano; Saggio, Raffaele |
2023 | Job Ladders by Firm Wage and Productivity | Bertheau, Antoine; Vejlin, Rune Majlund |
2023 | What Makes Hiring Difficult? Evidence from Linked Survey-Administrative Data | Bertheau, Antoine; Larsen, Birthe; Zhao, Zeyu |