Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen De Santis, Roberto A.

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1997Why exporting countries agree voluntary export restraints: The oligopolistic power of the foreign supplierDe Santis, Roberto A.
1997The impact of a customs union with the EU on Turkey's welfare, employment and income distribution: An AGE analysisDe Santis, Roberto A.
1998The impact of a Customs Union with the EU on internal migration in Turkey under the two alternative Harris-Todaro and wage curve settingsDe Santis, Roberto A.
1999Intra-industry trade, endogenous technological change, wage inequality and welfareDe Santis, Roberto A.
1999Comments on the Harrison-Rutherford-Tarr CGE Model with Imperfect Competition and Increasing Returns to ScaleDe Santis, Roberto A.
1999Endogenous market structure and the gains from foreign direct investmentDe Santis, Roberto A.; Stähler, Frank
2000Crude Oil Price Fluctuations and Saudi Arabian BehaviourDe Santis, Roberto A.
2000Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental TaxesDe Santis, Roberto A.; Stähler, Frank
2003The admission of accession countries to an enlarged monetary union: a tentative assessmentCa' Zorzi, Michele; De Santis, Roberto A.
2004On the determinants of euro area FDI to the United States: the knowledge- capital-Tobin's Q frameworkDe Santis, Roberto A.; Anderton, Robert; Hijzen, Alexander
2005Explaining exchange rate dynamics: the uncovered equity return parity conditionCappiello, Lorenzo; De Santis, Roberto A.
2005Welfare implications of joining a common currencyCa' Zorzi, Michele; De Santis, Roberto A.; Zampolli, Fabrizio
2006On the determinants of external imbalances and net international portfolio flows: a global perspectiveDe Santis, Roberto A.; Lührmann, Melanie
2006The geography of international portfolio flows, international CAPM and the role of monetary policy frameworksDe Santis, Roberto A.
2006Financial integration, international portfolio choice and the European Monetary UnionDe Santis, Roberto A.; Gérard, Bruno
2007Do international portfolio investors follow firms’ foreign investment decisions?De Santis, Roberto A.; Ehling, Paul
2007The uncovered return parity conditionCappiello, Lorenzo; De Santis, Roberto A.
2008Euro area money demand and international portfolio allocation: a contribution to assessing risks to price stabilityDe Santis, Roberto A.; Favero, Carlo A.; Roffia, Barbara
2008Foreign direct investment and environmental taxesDe Santis, Roberto A.; Stähler, Frank
2008Assessing the benefits of international portfolio diversification in bonds and stocks.De Santis, Roberto A.; Sarno, Lucio