Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Dosi, Cesare
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 18 von 18
Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
1999 | Is Ecolabelling a Reliable Environmental Policy Measure? | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2000 | The timing of adoption of cleaner technologies: Private costs and public incentives | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2000 | Water scarcity: Institutional change, water markets and privatization | Dosi, Cesare; Easter, William K. |
2000 | Controlling groundwater pollution from agricultural nonpoint sources: An overview of policy instruments | Dosi, Cesare; Zeitouni, Naomi |
2001 | Global warming and financial umbrellas | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2004 | Environmental Innovation, War of Attrition and Investment Grants | Moretto, Michele; Dosi, Cesare |
2005 | Concession Length and Investment Timing Flexibility | Moretto, Michele; Alpaos, Chiara D.; Dosi, Cesare |
2007 | Concession Bidding Rules and Investment Time Flexibility | Moretto, Michele; Dosi, Cesare |
2009 | Auctioning monopoly franchises: Award criteria and service launch requirements | Moretto, Michele; Dosi, Cesare |
2010 | Licences, 'use or lose' provisions and the time of investment | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2012 | Procurement with unenforceable contract time and the law of liquidated damages | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2014 | Bidding for Conservation Contracts | di Corato, Luca; Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2017 | Cost Uncertainty and Time Overruns in Public Procurement: a Scoring Auction for a Contract with Delay Penalties | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2018 | Termination fees and contract design in public-private partnerships | Buso, Marco; Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2019 | Balanced-Budget Fiscal Stimuli of Investment and Welfare Value | Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele; Tamborini, Roberto |
2020 | Do Exit Options Increase the Value-For-Money of Public-Private Partnerships? | Buso, Marco; Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2023 | Dynamic Regulation of Public Franchises with Imperfectly Correlated Demand Shocks | Buso, Marco; Dosi, Cesare; Moretto, Michele |
2024 | Energy intensity and structural changes: Does offshoring matter? | Amadei, Claudia; Dosi, Cesare; Pintus, Francesco J. |