Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Klemp, Marc

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2012Family Investment Strategies in Pre-modern Societies: Human Capital, Migration, and Birth Order in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century EnglandKlemp, Marc; Minns, Chris; Wallis, Patrick; Weisdorf, Jacob
2013Post-malthusian dynamics in pre-industrial ScandinaviaKlemp, Marc; Møller, Niels Framroze
2013Be fruitful and multiply? Moderate fecundity and long-run reproductive successGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2014The out of Africa hypothesis of comparative development reflected by nighttime light intensityAshraf, Quamrul; Galor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2014Be Fruitful and Multiply? Moderate Fecundity and Long-Run Reproductive SuccessGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2014The biocultural origins of human capital formationGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2015Heterogeneity and productivityAshraf, Quamrul; Galor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2015Roots of autocracyGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2017Roots of AutocracyGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2018Diversity and ConflictArbatli, Cemal Eren; Ashraf, Quamrul; Galor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2019Diversity and conflictEren Arbath, Cemal; Ashraf, Quamrul H.; Galor, Oded; Klemp, Marc
2023Roots of InequalityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel C.
2023Roots of InequalityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel Crisóstomo
2023The Impact of the Prehistoric Out of Africa Migration on Cultural DiversityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel Crisóstomo
2023The Impact of the Prehistoric Out-of-Africa Migration on Cultural DiversityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel C.
2023Roots of InequalityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel C.
2024The Power of a Diverse Mindset in Shaping ProsperityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel C.
2024Roots of Cultural DiversityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel C.
2024Roots of Cultural DiversityGalor, Oded; Klemp, Marc; Wainstock, Daniel Crisóstomo