Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Lettl, Christopher
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2000 | Management of "technology push" development projects | Herstatt, Cornelius; Lettl, Christopher |
2000 | Management von technologie-getriebenen Entwicklungsprojekten | Herstatt, Cornelius; Lettl, Christopher |
2001 | Fortschrittliche Kunden zu radikalen Innovationen stimulieren | Herstatt, Cornelius; Lüthje, Christian; Lettl, Christopher |
2001 | Innovation search fields with Lead Users | Herstatt, Cornelius; Lüthje, Christian; Lettl, Christopher |
2004 | Users as inventors and developers of radical innovation: An explorative case study analysis in the field of medical technology | Lettl, Christopher; Herstatt, Cornelius |