Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Mertens, Matthias

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2018Labour market power and the distorting effects of international tradeMertens, Matthias
2019Import competition and firm productivity: Evidence from German manufacturingBräuer, Richard; Mertens, Matthias; Slavtchev, Viktor
2019Micro-mechanisms behind declining labour shares: Market power, production processes, and global competitionMertens, Matthias
2019Labour market power and the distorting effects of international tradeMertens, Matthias
2020The East-West German gap in revenue productivity: Just a tale of output prices?Mertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen
2020The East-West German gap in revenue productivity: Just a tale of output prices?Mertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen
2020Import Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from German ManufacturingSlavtchev, Viktor; Bräuer, Richard; Mertens, Matthias
2021Die deutsche Wirtschaft in der Pandemie: Ergebnisse aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel 2020Dettmann, Eva; Diegmann, André; Mertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen; Plümpe, Verena; Leber, Ute; Schwengler, Barbara
2021Labour market power and between-firm wage (in)equalityMertens, Matthias
2021European firm concentration and aggregate productivityBighelli, Tommaso; Di Mauro, Filippo; Melitz, Marc J.; Mertens, Matthias
2021Labour market power and between-firm wage (in)equalityMertens, Matthias
2021European firm concentration and aggregate productivityBighelli, Tommaso; Di Mauro, Filippo; Melitz, Marc J.; Mertens, Matthias
2022Wirtschaftliche Folgen des Gaspreisanstiegs für die deutsche IndustrieMertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen
2022Fallende Lohnquoten: Die Rolle von Technologie und MarktmachtMertens, Matthias
2022Wirtschaftliche Folgen des Gaspreisanstiegs für die deutsche Industrie: Kurzexpertise für den Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Gesamtwirtschaftlichen EntwicklungMüller, Steffen; Mertens, Matthias
2022Identifying rent-sharing using firms' energy input mixMertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen; Neuschäffer, Georg
2022Die Ost-West-Produktivitätslücke: Die Rolle von Produktspezialisierung, Produktpreisunterschieden und physischer ProduktivitätMertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen
2023Minimum Wages, Productivity, and ReallocationHaelbig, Mirja; Mertens, Matthias; Müller, Steffen
2023Do larger firms exert more market power? Markups and markdowns along the size distributionMertens, Matthias; Mottironi, Bernardo
2023Import competition and firm productivity: Evidence from German manufacturingBräuer, Richard; Mertens, Matthias; Slavtchev, Viktor