Browsing All of EconStor by Author Cahuc, Pierre

Showing results 1 to 20 of 52
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999Job Protection, Minimum Wage and UnemploymentZylberberg, André; Cahuc, Pierre
1999Redundancy Payments, Incomplete Labor Contracts, Unemployment and WelfareCahuc, Pierre; Zylberberg, André
2001Labor Market Efficiency, Wages and Employment when Search Frictions Interact with Intrafirm BargainingCahuc, Pierre; Wasmer, Etienne
2001Temporary Jobs, Employ Protection and Labor Market PerformancePostel-Vinay, Fabien; Cahuc, Pierre
2002Unemployment Compensation Finance and Labor Market RigidityCahuc, Pierre; Malherbet, Franck
2002Equalizing Wage Differences and Bargaining Power: Evidence from a Panel of French FirmsCahuc, Pierre; Gianella, Christian; Goux, Dominique; Zylberberg, André
2002On the Efficiency of Job Search with Social NetworksCahuc, Pierre; Fontaine, François
2004Job Protection : The Macho HypothesisCahuc, Pierre; Algan, Yann
2005Optimum income taxation and layoff taxesCahuc, Pierre; Zylberberg, André
2005The roots of low European employment: family culture?Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2006Civic attitudes and the design of labor market institutions: which countries can implement the Danish flexicurity model?Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2007Social attitudes and economic development: an epidemiological approachAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2007Optimal taxation and monopsonistic labor market: does monopsony justify the minimum wage?Cahuc, Pierre; Laroque, Guy
2008Can policy interact with culture? Minimum wage and the quality of labor relationsAghion, Philippe; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2008Labor market policy evaluation in equilibrium: some lessons of the job search and matching modelCahuc, Pierre; Barbanchon, Thomas Le
2009Produce or speculate? Asset bubbles, occupational choice and efficiencyCahuc, Pierre; Challe, Edouard
2010Two-tier labor markets in the Great Recession: France vs. SpainBentolila, Samuel; Cahuc, Pierre; Dolado, Juan José; le Barbanchon, Thomas
2010Family values and the regulation of laborAlesina, Alberto; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Giuliano, Paola
2010Family values and the regulation of laborAlesina, Alberto; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Giuliano, Paola
2010Two-tier labor markets in the great recession: France vs. SpainBentolila, Samuel; Cahuc, Pierre; Dolado, Juan Jose; Le Barbanchon, Thomas