Browsing All of EconStor by Author Nieken, Petra

Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Risk Taking in Winner-Take-All CompetitionKräkel, Matthias; Nieken, Petra; Przemeck, Judith
2008Risk Taking in Winner-Take-All CompetitionKräkel, Matthias; Nieken, Petra; Przemeck, Judith
2008Risk-taking tournaments: theory and experimental evidenceNieken, Petra; Sliwka, Dirk
2010Incentive Effects in Asymmetric Tournaments Empirical Evidence from the German Hockey LeagueNieken, Petra; Stegh, Michael
2010Social ties and subjective performance evaluations: An empirical investigationBreuer, Kathrin; Nieken, Petra; Sliwka, Dirk
2010Heterogeneous Contestants and Effort Provision in Tournaments - an Empirical Investigation with Professional Sports DataBerger, Johannes; Nieken, Petra
2011Overconfidence and Managers' Responsibility HoardingNieken, Petra; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim; Zhou, Nannan
2012Repeated moral hazard and contracts with memory: A laboratory experimentNieken, Petra; Schmitz, Patrick W.
2012Whom to choose as a team mate? A lab experiment about in-group favouritismHammermann, Andrea; Mohnen, Alwine; Nieken, Petra
2013Relative Performance Pay in the Shadow of CrisisKräkel, Matthias; Nieken, Petra
2013Hidden Benefits of Reward: A Field Experiment on Motivation and Monetary IncentivesKvaløy, Ola; Nieken, Petra; Schöttner, Anja
2013Gender Differences in Competition and SabotageDato, Simon; Nieken, Petra
2013Hidden Benefits of Reward: A Field Experiment on Motivation and Monetary IncentivesKvaløy, Ola; Nieken, Petra; Schöttner, Anja
2016Compensation and Honesty: Gender Differences in LyingNieken, Petra; Dato, Simon
2018Gender Differences in Sabotage: The Role of Uncertainty and BeliefsDato, Simon; Nieken, Petra
2018Lying and ReciprocityDato, Simon; Feess, Eberhard; Nieken, Petra
2019Motivation and incentives in an online labor marketFest, Sebastian; Kvaløy, Ola; Nieken, Petra; Schöttner, Anja
2020Motivation and Incentives in an Online Labor MarketFest, Sebastian; Kvaloy, Ola; Nieken, Petra; Schöttner, Anja
2022Digital leadership: Motivating online workersNieken, Petra
2022Which Peer Group to Choose? The Effects of Relative Performance Information on Employee Self-Selection and PerformanceNieken, Petra; Ressi, Anna