Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2002

Showing results 1 to 20 of 4998
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002-12Testing three models in international economics: The Purchasing Power Parity Model, the Interest Rate Parity Model and the Monetary Model: The case of the Turkish Lira and the US Dollar (1975-1999)Vasilev, Aleksandar; Pavlov, Plamen; Rainov, Stefan; Kovatchev, Tsvetoslav
2002-10-01Inflation and Disinflation in TurkeyKibritçioğlu, Aykut; Rittenberg, Libby; Selçuk, Faruk; Akçay, O. Cevdet; Alper, C. Emre; Berument, M. Hakan; Dibooğlu, Selahattin; Erlat, Haluk; Ertuğrul, Ahmet; Malatyalı, N. Kamuran; Nas, Tevfik F.; Özmucur, Süleyman; Perry, Mark J.
2002-06Coordination Failure with Multiple-Source Lending: The Cost of Protection against a Powerful LenderHubert, Franz; Schäfer, Dorothea
2002-06Stabilization via currency boardMaute, Jutta
2002Nonparametric estimation of an additive model with a link functionHorowitz, Joel L.; Mammen, Enno
2002Weltkonjunktur: Erste Zeichen einer ErholungNerb, Gernot
2002Estimating large-scale factor models for economic activity in Germany: Do they outperform simpler models?Dreger, Christian; Schumacher, Christian
2002Home state taxation vs. common base taxation : roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxationGiannini, Silvia
2002A pint a day raises a man's pay; but smoking blows that gain awayvan Ours, Jan C.
2002Optimal forest taxation under private and social amenity valuationKoskela, Erkki; Ollikainen, Markku
2002The impact of ISO 9001 certification process on Slovenian companiesPivka, Marjan; Ursic, Dusko
2002Spatial patterns of segregation in a monocentric city - a model with a special production function for housing servicesWagner, Wolfgang
2002The environmental dimension of EU enlargement - Environmental effects of EU enlargement - short-term gains and medium-term losses?Kulessa, Margareta Elisabeth
2002Quo vadis Investor? Sachsen im StandortvergleichSchmalholz, Heinz
2002Welfare to WorkCorsetti, Giancarlo; Flemming, John; Honkapohja, Seppo; Leibfritz, Willi; Saint-Paul, Gilles; Sinn, Hans-Werner; Vives, Xavier
2002The credit channel of monetary policy: Case of AustriaKrylova, Elizaveta
2002European integration and EU eastward enlargement process in international trade: using a gravity approach for exploring bilateral trade flowsPaas, Tiiu
2002Die Qualität von Aktienempfehlungen in Publikumszeitschriften (Teil 2)Kladroba, Andreas
2002Frauenerwerbstätigkeit hält Einkommensarmut von Frauen in GrenzenBecker, Irene
2002Organisationskulturens betydning for videndeling mellem daginstitutionslederne i Varde KommuneSkriver, Hans Jørgen