Browsing All of EconStor by Document Type Conference Paper

Showing results 1 to 20 of 12138
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1979Income Distribution, Fertility Decisions and the Shadow Wage Rate: Implications of a New Approach to Rural-to-Urban Migration in LDCsStark, Oded
1983Comment on "Dynamico: A multilevel programming model of world trade and development" by Antonio M. CostaSnower, Dennis J.
1992Government support for restructuring the East German economyKlodt, Henning
1992From Olson to Veblen: The Stagflationary Rise of Distributional CoalitionsNitzan, Jonathan
1992Privatization in Transition Economies: Case Study of PolandRapacki, Ryszard; Linz, Susan Johnston
1995Leap-Frogging: A Way to Foster Sustainable Development in the Energy SectorAmelung, Torsten; Rücker, Ute
1996HANPP calculated from land cover as indicator of ecological sustainabilityGarí, Josep A.
1997European economic and monetary union: Recent progress and possible implications for Latin America and the CaribbeanSchweickert, Rainer; Zahler, Roberto; Jessen, Anneke
1998Regional sustainable development and the information society in EuropeRosch, Andreas; Grossmann, Wolf-Dieter
1998Grow, neighbour grow, grow... Neighbour be good!Lopez-Bazo, Enrique; Vaya, Esther; Moreno, Rosina
1998Spatial economic aspects of the environment and environmental policy: New directions for researchGerking, Shelby
1998Analysis of hospital service areas in IstanbulDokmeci, Vedia; Sadi, M. Aykut
1998Determinants affecting privatisation of local government services in BritainChoi, Young-Chool; Choi, Oe-Chool
1998The EMU and the Spanish term structure of interest ratesPayeras, Margarita
1998The innovativeness of rural Europe: A contribution to the concept of innovationFarrell, Gilda; Lukesch, Robert
1998Restructuring of industrial economies in countries in transition: Experience of UkraineDegtyareva, Valentina; Savsunenko, Oleg
1998Multiplicative and additive methods for the decomposition of the migration rates to/from Tokyo ma., 1985-90Gedik, Ayse
1998Urban industrial relocation: The theory of edge citiesMedda, Francesca; Nijkamp, Peter; Rietveld, Piet
1998Identifying, measuring and management risks in Russian secondary stock marketsLapsina, Elena; Thor, Eric; Melnikov, Roman
1998Information-processing, technological progress and regional retail networks dynamicsCukrowski, Jacek