Browsing All of EconStor by Author Adsera, Alicia

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Are You Being Served?: Political Accountability and Quality of GovernmentAdsera, Alicia; Boix, Carles; Payne, Mark
2004Marital Fertility and Religion : Recent Changes in SpainAdsera, Alicia
2004Are There Gender and Country of Origin Differences in Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes across European Destinations?Adsera, Alicia; Chiswick, Barry R.
2005Differences in desired and actual fertility: an economic analysis of the Spanish caseAdsera, Alicia
2005Where are the babies? Labor market conditions and fertility in EuropeAdsera, Alicia
2009Fertility changes in Latin America in the context of economic uncertaintyAdsera, Alicia; Menendez, Alicia
2011Age at migration, language and fertility patterns among migrants to CanadaAdsera, Alicia; Ferrer, Ana
2012The role of language in shaping international migrationAdsera, Alicia; Pytlikova, Mariola
2012The role of language in shaping international migrationAdsera, Alicia; Pytlikova, Mariola
2014Immigrants and Demography: Marriage, Divorce, and FertilityAdsera, Alicia; Ferrer, Ana
2014Labour Market Progression of Canadian Immigrant WomenAdsera, Alicia; Ferrer, Ana
2014Labour Market Progression of Canadian Immigrant WomenAdsera, Alicia; Ferrer, Ana
2015The Effect of Linguistic Proximity on the Occupational Assimilation of Immigrant Men in CanadaAdsera, Alicia; Ferrer, Ana
2019Transition from Plan to Market, Height and Well-BeingAdsera, Alicia; Dalla Pozza, Francesca; Guriev, Sergei; Kleine-Rueschkamp, Lukas; Nikolova, Elena