Browsing All of EconStor by Author Aleksandrova, Mariya

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Social protection as a tool to address slow onset climate events: Emerging issues for research and policyAleksandrova, Mariya
2021The untapped potential of global climate funds for investing in social protectionAleksandrova, Mariya
2021The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: Evidence for actionLeininger, Julia; Strupat, Christoph; Adeto, Yonas Adaye; Shimeles, Abebe; Wasike, Wilson; Aleksandrova, Mariya; Berger, Axel; Brandi, Clara; Brüntrup, Michael; Burchi, Francesco; Dick, Eva; El-Haddad, Amirah; Fiedler, Charlotte; Hackenesch, Christine; Houdret, Annabelle; Lehmann, Ina; Malerba, Daniele; Marschall, Paul; Mross, Karina; Schiller, Armin$cvon; Schraven, Benjamin; Ziaja, Sebastian; Adel, Marian; Gitt, Florian
2021Wetterindexversicherungen als Instrument der Förderung sozial-ökologischer Resilienz gegenüber dem KlimawandelYu, Lu; Aleksandrova, Mariya
2021Das Potenzial globaler Klimafonds für Investitionen in soziale SicherungAleksandrova, Mariya
2021Weather index insurance: Promises and challenges of promoting social and ecological resilience to climate changeYu, Lu; Aleksandrova, Mariya
2024The future of climate and development finance: Balancing separate accounting with integrated policy responsesKoch, Svea; Aleksandrova, Mariya
2024Fostering justice across the Rio Conventions: Emerging levers for cooperation and coordinationAleksandrova, Mariya; Banerjee, Aparajita; da Cunha, Marcelo Inácio; Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo; Brüntrup, Michael; Malerba, Daniele