Browsing All of EconStor by Author Axenbeck, Janna

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018Web mining of firm websites: A framework for web scraping and a pilot study for GermanyKinne, Jan; Axenbeck, Janna
2019Web-based innovation indicators: Which firm website characteristics relate to firm-level innovation activity?Axenbeck, Janna; Breithaupt, Patrick
2019Environmental innovation and firm profitability: An analysis with respect to firm sizeAxenbeck, Janna
2021Climate Protection Potentials of Digitalized Production Processes: Microeconometric Evidence?Axenbeck, Janna; Niebel, Thomas
2021Climate protection potentials of digitalized production processes: Microeconometric evidence?Axenbeck, Janna; Niebel, Thomas
2021Climate Protection Potentials of Digitalized Production Processes: Microeconometric EvidenceAxenbeck, Janna; Niebel, Thomas
2021Metastudie - Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung in Baden-WürttembergAndres, Raphaela; Axenbeck, Janna; Bertschek, Irene; Breithaupt, Patrick; Janßen, Rebecca; Kollmann, Emanuel; Niebel, Thomas; Reif, Simon; Seifried, Mareike
2022What drives the relationship between digitalization and industrial energy demand? Exploring firm-level heterogeneityAxenbeck, Janna; Berner, Anne; Kneib, Thomas
2022Measuring the digitalisation of firms: A novel text mining approachAxenbeck, Janna; Breithaupt, Patrick
2023Firm digitalisation and mobility - Do Covid-19-related changes persist?Axenbeck, Janna; Bertschek, Irene; Breithaupt, Patrick; Erdsiek, Daniel