Browsing All of EconStor by Author Benlian, Alexander

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Identifikation und technische Bewertung von integrierten Datenverteilungsvarianten für eine effiziente Mehrfachnutzung multimedialer MedieninhalteBenlian, Alexander; Hess, Thomas
2015Gestaltungsorientierter Kern oder Tendenz zur Empirie? Zur neueren methodischen Entwicklung der WirtschaftsinformatikSchreiner, Michel; Hess, Thomas; Benlian, Alexander
2018The impact of the package opening process on product returnsZhou, Wenyan; Hinz, Oliver; Benlian, Alexander
2020Why Don't You Join In? A Typology of Information System Certification AdoptersLins, Sebastian; Kromat, Theresa; Löbbers, Julian; Benlian, Alexander; Sunyaev, Ali
2020A multi-perspective lens on web assurance seals: contrasting vendors’ intended and consumers’ perceived effectsLöbbers, Julian; Lins, Sebastian; Kromat, Theresa; Benlian, Alexander; Sunyaev, Ali
2020AI-based chatbots in customer service and their effects on user complianceAdam, Martin; Wessel, Michael; Benlian, Alexander
2020Watch Me Improve—Algorithm Aversion and Demonstrating the Ability to LearnBerger, Benedikt; Adam, Martin; Rühr, Alexander; Benlian, Alexander
2020Spear Phishing 2.0: Wie automatisierte Angriffe Organisationen vor neue Herausforderungen stellenFranz, Anjuli; Benlian, Alexander
2021Initial coin offerings and the cryptocurrency hype - the moderating role of exogenous and endogenous signalsThies, Ferdinand; Wallbach, Sören; Wessel, Michael; Besler, Markus; Benlian, Alexander
2021Let’s Connect to Keep the Distance: How SMEs Leverage Information and Communication Technologies to Address the COVID-19 CrisisWendt, Charlotte; Adam, Martin; Benlian, Alexander; Kraus, Sascha
2021Opposing effects of input control and clan control for sellers on e-marketplace platformsCroitor, Evgheni; Werner, Dominick; Adam, Martin; Benlian, Alexander
2021Synergien zwischen nicht-digitalen und digitalen Geschäftsmodellen in Unternehmen: Möglichkeiten und HandlungsempfehlungenToutaoui, Jonas; Müller, Lea; Benlian, Alexander
2021Gamblified digital product offerings: an experimental study of loot box menu designsAdam, Martin; Roethke, Konstantin; Benlian, Alexander