Browsing All of EconStor by Author Bohl, Martin T.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999Modellierung einer stabilen Geldnachfragefunktion für Deutschlands M2Bohl, Martin T.
2001Dectecting speculative bubbles in stock prices: A new approach and some evidence for the USBohl, Martin T.; Siklos, Pierre L.
2002The demand for money by private firms in a regulated economy: Theoretical underpinnings and empirical evidence for Germany 1960-1998Bohl, Martin T.; Sell, Friedrich L.
2003Did the Bundesbank React to Stock Price Movements?Siklos, Pierre L.; Bohl, Martin T.; Werner, Thomas
2003Die Aktienhaussen der 80er- und 90er-Jahre: Waren es spekulative Blasen?Bohl, Martin T.
2004Asset Prices in Taylor Rules: Specification, Estimation, and Policy Implications for the ECBSiklos, Pierre L.; Werner, Thomas; Bohl, Martin T.
2005The Bundesbank's Communications Strategy and Policy Conflicts with the Federal GovernmentSiklos, Pierre L.; Bohl, Martin T.
2005Steht der deutsche Aktienmarkt unter politischem Einfluss?Gottschalk, Katrin; Bohl, Martin T.
2005Trading Behavior During Stock Market Downturns: The Dow, 1915 - 2004Siklos, Pierre L.; Bohl, Martin T.
2005The Role of Asset Prices in Euro Area Monetary Policy: Specification and Estimation of Policy Rules and Implications for the European Central BankBohl, Martin T.; Siklos, Pierre L.
2006Real-time forecasting and political stock market anomalies: evidence for the U.S.Bohl, Martin T.; Döpke, Jörg; Pierdzioch, Christian
2006Institutional investors and stock market efficiency: The case of the January anomalyBohl, Martin T.; Gottschalk, Katrin; Henke, Harald; Pál, Rozália
2008Vorteilhaftigkeit des börslichen Abendhandels aus AnlegersichtGoodfellow, Christiane; Bohl, Martin T.; Schiereck, Dirk
2009Stock return seasonalities and investor structure: Evidence from China's B-share marketsBohl, Martin T.; Schuppli, Michael; Siklos, Pierre L.
2010Pension funds' performance in strongly regulated industries in Central Europe: Evidence from Poland and HungaryBohl, Martin T.; Lischewski, Judith; Voronkova, Svitlana
2011Determinanten von Wohnimmobilienpreisen: Das Beispiel der Stadt MünsterBohl, Martin T.; Michels, Winfried; Oelgemöller, Jens
2014Die Bedeutung von Agrarterminmärkten als Absicherungsinstrument für die deutsche LandwirtschaftAdämmer, Philipp; Bohl, Martin T.; von Ledebur, Oliver
2015Price Discovery in Thinly Traded Futures Markets: How Thin is Too Thin?Adaemmer, Philipp; Bohl, Martin T.; Christian, Groß
2015Kurzfristige Dynamik von Preisbildungsprozessen deutscher AgrarrohstoffeBohl, Martin T.; Ott, Hervé; Ledebur, Oliver von
2016A Markov Switching Approach to HerdingBohl, Martin T.; Klein, Arne C.; Siklos, Pierre L.