Browsing All of EconStor by Author Ettmeier, Stephanie

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Same, but different: Testing monetary policy shock measuresEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2019Mehr Ökonominnen braucht das Land!Bernoth, Kerstin; Bremus, Franziska; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Ettmeier, Stephanie
2019Active, or passive? Revisiting the role of fiscal policy in the Great InflationEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2019Same, but different? Testing monetary policy shock measuresEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2020Financial market participants expect the coronavirus pandemic to have long-lasting economic impact in EuropeEttmeier, Stephanie; Kim, Chi Hyun; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2020Active, or passive? Revisiting the role of fiscal policy in the Great InflationEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2020Active, or passive? Revisiting the role of fiscal policy in the great inflationEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2020Finanzmärkte erwarten langanhaltende wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie in EuropaEttmeier, Stephanie; Kim, Chi Hyun; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2021Europa auf dem Weg zur Fiskalunion: Investitionen stärken statt Entschuldung vorantreibenEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander; Seyrich, Fabian
2022Brüning's austerity policies of the early 1930s intensified the economic slump and increased unemploymentEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2022Austeritätspolitik der Ära Brüning hat den Wirtschaftseinbruch verstärkt und die Arbeitslosigkeit erhöhtEttmeier, Stephanie; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2022No taxation without reallocation: The distributional effects of tax changesEttmeier, Stephanie
2022"Staaten können sich nicht einfach aus Rezessionen heraussparen"Ettmeier, Stephanie; Wittenberg, Erich