Browsing All of EconStor by Author Fazzari, Steven M.

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1993Investment and U.S. Fiscal Policy in the 1990sFazzari, Steven M.
1993The investment-finance link: Investment and US fiscal policy in the 1990sFazzari, Steven M.
1995Aggregate Demand and Micro Behavior: Perspective on Keynesian MacroeconomicsFazzari, Steven M.; Ferri, Piero; Greenberg, Edward
1995Capital Gains Tax Cuts, Investment, and GrowthFazzari, Steven M.; Herzon, Benjamin
1996What Do Micro Data Reveal About the User Cost Elasticity?: New Evidence on the Responsiveness of Business Capital FormationChirinko, Robert S.; Fazzari, Steven M.; Meyer, Andrew P.
1996Capital gains taxes and economic growth: Effects of a capital gains tax cut on the investment behavior of firmsFazzari, Steven M.; Herzon, Benjamin
1999Minsky and the Mainstream: Has Recent Research Rediscovered Financial Keynesianism?Fazzari, Steven M.
2000Market Power and InflationChirinko, Robert S.; Fazzari, Steven M.
2004That elusive elasticity : a long-panel approach to estimating the capital-labor substitution elasticityChirinko, Robert S.; Fazzari, Steven M.; Meyer, Andrew P.
2013Rising inequality, recession and slow recovery: A sad American taleCynamon, Barry Z.; Fazzari, Steven M.
2013Inequality and household finance during the consumer ageCynamon, Barry Z.; Fazzari, Steven M.
2015Rising inequality and stagnation in the US economyCynamon, Barry Z.; Fazzari, Steven M.
2023How large are hysteresis effects? Estimates from a Keynesian growth modelFazzari, Steven M.; González, Alejandro
2023Sustainable consumption and the comprehensive economic well-being of American householdsCooper, Daniel; Cynamon, Barry Z.; Fazzari, Steven M.
2024Supermultiplier models, demand stagnation, and monetary policy: Inevitable march to the lower bound for interest rates?Fazzari, Steven M.