Browsing All of EconStor by Author Haefke, Christian

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1995Forecasting stock market averages to enhance profitable trading strategiesHaefke, Christian; Helmenstein, Christian
1995Forecasting Austrian IPOs: An application of linear and neural network error-correction modelsHaefke, Christian; Helmenstein, Christian
1995Prediction risk and the forecasting of stock market indexesHaefke, Christian; Helmenstein, Christian
1999Closed form integration of artificial neural networks with some applicationsGottschling, Andreas; Haefke, Christian; White, Halbert
2002Product Market Deregulation and Labor Market OutcomesEbell, Monique; Haefke, Christian
2003Product market deregulation and labor market outcomesEbell, Monique; Haefke, Christian
2004Turbulence and Unemployment in a Job Matching Modelden Haan, Wouter J.; Haefke, Christian; Ramey, Garey
2006Product market regulation and endogenous union formationEbell, Monique; Haefke, Christian
2006Product market deregulation and the US employment miracleEbell, Monique; Haefke, Christian
2006Endogenous labor market participation and the business cycleHaefke, Christian; Reiter, Michael
2007Mixtures of t-distributions for finance and forecastingGiacomini, Raffaella; Gottschling, Andreas; Haefke, Christian; White, Halbert
2008Verflechtungen in der österreichischen AußenwirtschaftFelderer, Bernhard; Grohall, Günther; Haefke, Christian; Schuh, Ulrich; Skriner, Edith
2008Wage rigidity and job creationHaefke, Christian; Sonntag, Marcus; van Rens, Thijs
2008Product market deregulation and the US employment miracleEbell, Monique; Haefke, Christian
2009Wage rigidity and job creationHaefke, Christian; Sonntag, Marcus; van Rens, Thijs
2011What do participation fluctuations tell us about labor supply elasticities?Haefke, Christian; Reiter, Michael
2012What Do Participation Fluctuations Tell Us About Labor Supply Elasticities?Haefke, Christian; Reiter, Michael
2020Long Live the VacancyHaefke, Christian; Reiter, Michael
2020Long Live the VacancyHaefke, Christian; Reiter, Michael