Browsing All of EconStor by Author Heinemann, Maik

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Convergence of Adaptive Learning and the Concept of Expectational Stability in Linear Rational Expectations Models with Multiple EquilibriaHeinemann, Maik
1997Modellierung von Preiserwartungen durch neuronale NetzeHeinemann, Maik; Lange, Carsten
2005Endogenous redistributive cycles: an overlapping generations approach to social conflict and cyclical growthClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2005On the effects of redistribution on growth and entrepreneurial risk takingClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2005Strongly rational expectations equilibria with endogenous acquisition of informationDesgranges, Gabriel; Heinemann, Maik
2007E-stability and stability of adaptive learning in models of asymetric informationHeinemann, Maik
2007Credit constraints, idiosyncratic risks, and wealth distribution in a heterogeneous agent modelClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2008Messung und Darstellung von UngleichheitHeinemann, Maik
2008On entrepreneurial risktaking and the macroeconomic effects of financial constraintsClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2009Stability under learning of equilibria in financial markets with supply informationHeinemann, Maik
2010The Effects of International Financial Integration in a Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Credit FrictionsHeinemann, Maik; Clemens, Christiane
2012Endogenous growth, the distribution of wealth, and optimal policy under incomplete markets and idiosyncratic riskClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2013The Effects of International Financial Integration in a Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Credit FrictionsClemens, Christiane; Heinemann, Maik
2015Idiosyncratic Risk, Borrowing Constraints and Financial Integration - A Discussion of Ambiguous ResultsWulff, Alexander; Heinemann, Maik
2015Angus Deaton - Ökonomie-Nobelpreisträger 2015Heinemann, Maik
2020Inequality over the business cycle: The role of distributive shocksClemens, Marius; Eydam, Ulrich; Heinemann, Maik
2020Distributional effects of the COVID-19 lockdownClemens, Marius; Heinemann, Maik
2022Energiepreiskrise und Klimapolitik: Sind antizyklische CO₂-Preise sinnvoll?Blanz, Alkis; Eydam, Ulrich; Heinemann, Maik; Kalkuhl, Matthias