Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hyslop, Dean

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Does Benefit Receipt Affect Future Income? An Econometric ExplanationHyslop, Dean
2000A Preliminary Analysis of the Dynamics of Individual Market and Disposable IncomesHyslop, Dean
2001Understanding Changes in the Distribution of Household Incomes in New Zealand Between 1983-86 and 1995-98Hyslop, Dean; Maré, Dave
2003Qualifications, Employment and the Value of Human Capital, 1986-2001Hyslop, Dean; Mare, Dave; Timmins, Jason
2004Youth Minimum Wage Reform and the Labour MarketHyslop, Dean; Stillman, Steven
2004Youth Minimum Wage Reform and the Labour MarketHyslop, Dean; Stillman, Steven
2004True state dependence in monthly welfare participation: a nonexperimental analysisHoynes, Hilary W.; Chay, Kenneth Y.; Hyslop, Dean
2005The Living Standards, Incomes and Accommodation Costs of Older New Zealanders RevisitedHurnard, Roger; Hyslop, Dean; Tuckwell, Ivan
2005Income Growth and Earnings Variations in New Zealand, 1998—2004Hyslop, Dean; Yahanpath, Suresh
2005Returning to work from injury: longitudinal evidence on employment and earningsCrichton, Sarah; Stillman, Steven; Hyslop, Dean
2006Toward a Model of Firm Productivity DynamicsLaw, David; Buckle, Bob; Hyslop, Dean
2015Firm Productivity Growth and SkillMaré, Dave C.; Hyslop, Dean; Fabling, Richard
2021Rising Top-Income Persistence in Australia: Evidence from Income Tax DataHerault, Nicolas; Hyslop, Dean; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Wilkins, Roger
2021Minimum Wages in New Zealand: Policy and Practice in the 21st CenturyMaré, David C.; Hyslop, Dean
2022Training, Productivity and Wages: Direct Evidence from a Temporary Help AgencyDong, Xinwei; Hyslop, Dean; Kawaguchi, Daiji
2023Job Displacement and Local Employment DensityMaré, David C.; Fabling, Richard; Hyslop, Dean