Browsing All of EconStor by Author Jansen, Marion

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000International trade and the position of European low-skilled labourJansen, Marion
2002Product labeling, quality and international tradeJansen, Marion; de Faria, André Lince
2003Adjusting to trade liberalization: The role of policy, institutions and WTO DisciplinesBacchetta, Marc; Jansen, Marion
2004Institutions, trade policy and trade flowsJansen, Marion; Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik
2004The impact of mode 4 on trade in goods and servicesJansen, Marion; Piermartini, Roberta
2004Income volatility in small and developing economies: export concentration mattersJansen, Marion
2004National environmental policies and multilateral trade rulesJansen, Marion; Keck, Alexander
2005The impact of Mode 4 liberalization on bilateral trade flowsJansen, Marion; Piermartini, Roberta
2006Liberalizing financial services trade in Africa: Going regional and multilateralJansen, Marion; Vennes, Yannick
2006Services trade liberalization at the regional level: Does Southern and Eastern Africa stand to gain from EPA negotiations?Jansen, Marion
2009Risk assessment in the international food safety policy arena: Can the multilateral institutions encourage unbiased outcomes?Jackson, Lee Ann; Jansen, Marion
2009Exposure to external country specific shocks and income volatilityJansen, Marion; Lennon, Carolina; Piermartini, Roberta
2021Participating to compete: Do small firms in developing countries benefit from global value chains?Boffa, Mauro; Jansen, Marion; Solleder, Olga