Browsing All of EconStor by Author Koeppl, Thorsten V.

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Central counterpartiesKoeppl, Thorsten V.; Monnet, Cyril
2010The emergence and future of central counterpartiesKoeppl, Thorsten V.; Monnet, Cyril
2011Trading dynamics with adverse selection and search: Market freeze, intervention and recoveryChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2013The Limits of Central Counterparty Clearing: Collusive Moral Hazard and Market LiquidityKoeppl, Thorsten V.
2018Blockchain-based Settlement for Asset TradingChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2018Incentive compatibility on the blockchainChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2018Blockchain-based settlement for asset tradingChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2019What drives Bitcoin fees? Using Segwit to assess Bitcoin's long-run sustainabilityBrown, Collin; Chiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2019The economics of cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and beyondChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2022What drives Bitcoin fees? Using Segwit to assess Bitcoin's long-run sustainabilityBrown, Colin M.; Chiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2022PayTech and the d(ata) n(etwork) a(ctivities) of BigTech platformsChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2022Grasping de(centralized) fi(nance) through the lens of economic theoryChiu, Jonathan; Kahn, Charles M.; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2022PayTech and the d(ata) n(etwork) a(ctivities) of BigTech platformsChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.
2022Grasping de(centralized) fi(nance) through the lens of economic theoryChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.; Kahn, Charles M.
2023Using functional shocks to assess conventional and unconventional monetary policy in CanadaKoeppl, Thorsten V.; Kronick, Jeremy M.; McNeil, James
2023Understanding DeFi through the lens of a production-network modelChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.; Yu, Hanna; Zhang, Shengxing
2023Understanding the DeFi network through the lens of a production-network modelChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.; Yu, Hanna; Zhang, Shengxing