Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lane, Julia

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Technology and the demand for skill: an analysis of within and between firm differencesAbowd, John M.; Haltiwanger, John; Lane, Julia; McKinney, Kevin L.; Sandusky, Kristin
2007Temporary help agencies and the advancement prospects of low earnersAndersson, Fredrik; Holzer, Harry J.; Lane, Julia
2009Administrative Transaction DataLane, Julia
2009Balancing Access to Data And Privacy. A review of the issues and approaches for the futureLane, Julia; Schur, Claudia
2009Do as the neighbors do: the impact of social networks on immigrant employmentAndersson, Fredrik; Burgess, Simon M.; Lane, Julia
2010Science Metrics: The Issues and New ApproachesLane, Julia
2010Let’s make science metrics more scientificLane, Julia
2010Workers' views of the impact of trade on jobsBrown, Clair; Lane, Julia; Sturgeon, Timothy
2011Decomposing the sources of earnings inequality: Assessing the role of reallocationAndersson, Fredrik; Davis, Elizabeth E.; Freedman, Matthew L.; Lane, Julia; McCall, Brian P.; Sandusky, L. Kristin
2012Creating new administrative data to describe the scientific workforce: The STAR METRICS programLane, Julia; Schwarz, Lou
2013Does Federally-Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and FirmsAndersson, Fredrik; Holzer, Harry J.; Lane, Julia; Rosenblum, David; Smith, Jeffrey A.
2014New Linked Data on Research Investments: Scientific Workforce, Productivity, and Public ValueLane, Julia; Owen-Smith, Jason; Rosen, Rebecca; Weinberg, Bruce A.
2016Research Funding and Regional EconomiesGoldschlag, Nathan; Bianchini, Stefano; Lane, Julia; SanMartin Sola, Joseba; Weinberg, Bruce A.
2018Occupational Classifications: A Machine Learning ApproachIkudo, Akina; Lane, Julia; Staudt, Joseph; Weinberg, Bruce A.
2018Money for Something: The Links between Research Funding and InnovationGlennon, Britta; Lane, Julia; Sodhi, Ridhima
2019Money for Something: Braided Funding and the Structure and Output of Research GroupsFunk, Russell J.; Glennon, Britta; Lane, Julia; Murciano-Goroff, Raviv; Ross, Matthew B.