Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mahmood, Shahid

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015The role of organizational learning in understanding relationship between total quality management and organizational performanceMahmood, Shahid; Qadeer, Faisal; Ahmad, Aftab
2016Linking passion to organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance: The mediating role of work engagementQadeer, Faisal; Ahmad, Aftab; Hameed, Imran; Mahmood, Shahid
2016Impact of investor personality types with interaction effects of demographics on investment behavior: Evidence from PakistanAhmad, Mumtaz; Hassan, Arshad; Mahmood, Shahid; Aslam, Shoaib
2016Mediation of attitude toward brand on the relationship between service brand credibility and purchase intentionsSheeraz, Muhammad; Khattak, Aamir Khan; Mahmood, Shahid; Iqbal, Nadeem
2017Line managers' HR implementation level and work performance: Estimating the mediating role of employee outcomesMahmood, Shahid; Qadeer, Faisal; Sheeraz, Muhammad; Khan, Kanwal Iqbal
2017Strengthening Consumer Brand Relationships through Consumer Engagement: Online Brand Communities in Landscape of Social MediaSheeraz, Muhammad; Tanweer, Mariam; Khan, Kanwal Iqbal; Mahmood, Shahid
2018Pay or not to Pay Dividends: Company Policy and Investor ExpectationsKhan, Kanwal Iqbal; Ghafoor, Muhammad Mudassar; Sheeraz, Muhammad; Mahmood, Shahid
2019Symmetric and Asymmetric Volatility Clustering Via GARCH Family Models: An Evidence from Religion Dominant CountriesKhan, Muhammad Salman; Khan, Kanwal Iqbal; Mahmood, Shahid; Sheeraz, Muhammad
2023Fostering green creativity through environmental values: The role of intrinsic motivation, environmental identity and green HR practicesAnsari, Ali; Mahmood, Shahid; Khan, Kanwal Iqbal; Asghar, Farwa