Browsing All of EconStor by Author Maurer, Raimond

Showing results 1 to 20 of 38
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1998Shortfall-Risiko / Excess-Chance-EntscheidungskalküleAlbrecht, Peter; Maurer, Raimond; Möller, Matthias
1999Performance of International Portfolio Diversification Strategies: The Viewpoint of German and Hungarian InvestorsBugár, Gyöngyi; Maurer, Raimond
2000Vermögensanlagevorschriften für deutsche Versicherungsunternehmen: Status Quo und finanzwirtschaftliche BewertungenMaurer, Raimond; Stephan, Thomas G.
2000Zur Quantifizierung von Risikoprämien deutscher Versicherungsaktien im Kontext von MultifaktorenmodellenElgeti, Rolf; Maurer, Raimond
2000A multiple factor model for European stocksStephan, Thomas G.; Maurer, Raimond; Dürr, Martin
2000Immobilienindizes im Portfolio-ManagementMaurer, Raimond; Sebastian, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas G.
2001Integrated asset liability modelling for property casuality insurance: A portfolio theoretical approachDus, Ivica; Maurer, Raimond
2001International Equity Portfolios and Currency Hedging: The Viewpoint of German and Hungarian InvestorsBugár, Gyöngyi; Maurer, Raimond
2001Structural positions and risk budgeting: Quantifying the impact of structural positions and deriving implications for active portfolio managementHerold, Ulf; Maurer, Raimond
2002Portfolio Choice and Estimation Risk: A Comparison of Bayesian to Heuristic ApproachesHerold, Ulf; Maurer, Raimond
2002Inflation Risk Analysis of European Real Estate SecuritiesMaurer, Raimond; Sebastian, Steffen
2002Inflationsrisiken von Aktien, Bonds und indirekten ImmobilienanlagenMaurer, Raimond; Sebastian, Steffen
2003Hedging the Exchange Rate Risk in International Portfolio Diversification: Currency Forwards versus Currency OptionsMaurer, Raimond; Valiani, Shohreh
2003Return and Risk of German Open-End Real Estate FundsMaurer, Raimond; Reiner, Frank; Rogalla, Ralph
2004Characteristics of German Real Estate Return Distributions: Evidence from Germany and Comparison to the U.S. and U.K.Maurer, Raimond; Reiner, Frank; Sebastian, Steffen
2009Zur Eigenmittelunterlegung von Leistungszusagen in der Auszahlphase bei investmentfondsbasierten Altersvorsorgeverträgen: Ein GestaltungsvorschlagDus, Ivica; Maurer, Raimond
2013Time is money: Life cycle rational inertia and delegation of investment managementKim, Hugh H.; Maurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S.
2013How family status and social security claiming options shape optimal life cycle portfoliosHubener, Andreas; Maurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S.
2014Family status, social security claiming options, and life cycle portfoliosHubener, Andreas; Maurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S.
2015Will they take the money and work? An empirical analysis of people's willingness to delay claiming social security benefits for a lump sumMaurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S.; Rogalla, Ralph; Schimetschek, Tatjana