Browsing All of EconStor by Author Motto, Roberto

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004The Great Depression and the Friedman-Schwartz hypothesisChristiano, Lawrence; Motto, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo
2007Shocks, structures or monetary policies? The euro area and US after 2001Christiano, Lawrence; Motto, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo
2008Monetary policy and stock market boom-bust cyclesChristiano, Lawrence; Ilut, Cosmin; Motto, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo
2010DSGE models and their use at the ECBSmets, Frank; Christoffel, Kai; Coenen, Günter; Motto, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo
2010Financial factors in economic fluctuationsChristiano, Lawrence; Rostagno, Massimo; Motto, Roberto
2011A monetary policy strategy in good and bad times: lessons from the recent pastFahr, Stephan; Motto, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo; Smets, Frank; Tristani, Oreste
2011BASEL III: Long-term impact on economic performance and fluctuationsAngelini, Paolo; Clerc, Laurent; Cúrdia, Vasco; Gambacorta, Leonardo; Gerali, Andrea; Locarno, Alberto; Motto, Roberto; Roeger, Werner; Van den Heuvel, Skander; Vlécek, Jan
2015Asset purchase programmes and financial markets: lessons from the euro areaAltavilla, Carlo; Carboni, Giacomo; Motto, Roberto
2019Measuring euro area monetary policyAltavilla, Carlo; Brugnolini, Luca; Gürkaynak, Refet S.; Motto, Roberto; Ragusa, Giuseppe
2019Measuring euro area monetary policyAltavilla, Carlo; Brugnolini, Luca; Gürkaynak, Refet S.; Motto, Roberto; Ragusa, Giuseppe
2019A tale of two decades: The ECB's monetary policy at 20Rostagno, Massimo; Altavilla, Carlo; Carboni, Giacomo; Lemke, Wolfgang; Motto, Roberto; Saint Guilhem, Arthur; Yiangou, Jonathan
2019Measuring Euro Area Monetary PolicyAltavilla, Carlo; Brugnolini, Luca; Gürkaynak, Refet S.; Motto, Roberto; Ragusa, Giuseppe
2021Combining negative rates, forward guidance and asset purchases: Identification and impacts of the ECB's unconventional policiesRostagno, Massimo; Altavilla, Carlo; Carboni, Giacomo; Lemke, Wolfgang; Motto, Roberto; Saint Guilhem, Arthur
2021Asymmetric monetary policy rules for the euro area and the USMaih, Junior; Mazelis, Falk; Motto, Roberto; Ristiniemi, Annukka
2021Asymmetric monetary policy rules for the euro area and the USMaih, Junior; Mazelis, Falk; Motto, Roberto; Ristiniemi, Annukka
2021A toolkit for computing Constrained Optimal Policy Projections (COPPs)de Groot, Oliver; Mazelis, Falk; Motto, Roberto; Ristiniemi, Annukka
2022Market-stabilization QEMotto, Roberto; Özen, Kadir
2023Monetary policy strategies for the euro area: Optimal rules in the presence of the ELBMazelis, Falk; Motto, Roberto; Ristiniemi, Annukka