Browsing All of EconStor by Author Mulder, Peter

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Sectoral Energy- and Labour-Productivity ConvergenceMulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.
2004International Comparisons of Sectoral Energy- and Labour-Productivity Performance: Stylised Facts and Decomposition of TrendsMulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.
2004Sectoral Energy- and Labour-Productivity ConvergenceGroot, Henri De; Mulder, Peter
2004Subsidizing the Adoption of Energy-Saving Technologies: Analyzing the Impact of Uncertainty, Learning and Maturationde Groot, Henri L.F.; Mulder, Peter; van Soest, Daan P.
2004Decoupling Economic Growth and Energy Use. An Empirical Cross-Country Analysis for 10 Manufacturing SectorsMulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.
2012Structural Change and Convergence of Energy Intensity across OECD Countries, 1970-2005Mulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.
2012Dutch Sectoral Energy Intensity Developments in International Perspective, 1987-2005Mulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.
2012Economic Impacts of Cultural Diversity in the Netherlands: Productivity, Utility, and SortingBakens, Jessie; Mulder, Peter; Nijkamp, Peter
2013Dynamics and Determinants of Energy Intensity in the Service Sector: A Cross-Country Analysis, 1980–2005Mulder, Peter; de Groot, Henri L.F.; Pfeiffer, Birte
2013Explaining the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technology in Developing CountriesPohl, Birte; Mulder, Peter
2015Population Growth in American Cities between 1990 and 2010: True Contagion and Urban HierarchyDobis, Elizabeth; Delgado, Michael; Florax, Raymond; Mulder, Peter
2016Ethnic Drift and White Flight: A Gravity Model of Neighborhood FormationBakens, Jessie; Florax, Raymond; Mulder, Peter
2018Living Apart Together: The Economic Value of Ethnic Diversity in CitiesBakens, Jessie; Florax, Raymond J. G. M.; de Groot, Henri L. F.; Mulder, Peter
2019Does decentralization of governance promote urban diversity? Evidence from SpainDiaz-Lanchas, Jorge; Florax, Raymond J. G. M.; Mulder, Peter
2024Energy Policies and Pollution in Two Developing Country Cities: A Quantitative ModelBorck, Rainald; Mulder, Peter