Browsing All of EconStor by Author Priewe, Jan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 38
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1979Sektoraler Strukturwandel und ProduktivitätsentwicklungPriewe, Jan
1984Konkurrierende Arbeitsmarkttheorien und Typologien von ArbeitslosigkeitPriewe, Jan
1997Investivlöhne in Ostdeutschland: Kein Königsweg, aber hilfreichPriewe, Jan
1997Wege aus dem ostdeutschen Lohndilemma: Investivlöhne und VermögenspolitikPriewe, Jan
1999High growth in China - transition without a transition crisis?Herr, Hansjörg; Priewe, Jan
2003Current Issues of China's Economic Policies and Related International Experiences - The Wuhan Conference 2002. Part I: The Wuhan Conference 2002Herr, Hansjörg; Priewe, Jan
2003The macroeconomic framework of poverty reduction: An assessment of the IMF/World Bank strategy. A critical review of the PRSP Sourcebook chapter 6 from September 21, 2000Herr, Hansjörg; Priewe, Jan
2003Current Issues of China's Economic Policies and Related International Experiences - The Wuhan Conference 2002. Part II: Further monetary issuesHerr, Hansjörg; Priewe, Jan
2005Chinas raetselhaftes WachstumPriewe, Jan
2006Rezensionen / Book ReviewsMoritz, Florian; Hein, Eckhard; Niechoj, Torsten; Springler, Elisabeth; Priewe, Jan
2009The Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) - Past, Present and FutureHein, Eckhard; Priewe, Jan
2010Von der Subprimekrise zur Weltwirtschaftskrise: Unterschiedliche ErklärungsmusterPriewe, Jan
2013Anmerkungen zu 'Irrungen und Wirrungen mit der Leistungsbilanzstatistik' von Georg ErberPriewe, Jan
2015Eight strategies for development in comparisonPriewe, Jan
2016Editorial: The spectre of stagnation? Europe in the world economyGechert, Sebastian; Niechoj, Torsten; Priewe, Jan; Watt, Andrew
2016Ethiopia's high growth and its challenges: Causes and prospectsPriewe, Jan
2016The enigmatic dollar-euro exchange rate and the world's biggest forex market: Performance, causes, consequencesPriewe, Jan
2017Book Review: Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2016): The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe, New York, NY, USA and London, UK (416 pages, W.W. Norton, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-393-25402-0)Priewe, Jan
2017Review of exchange-rate theories in four leading economics textbooksPriewe, Jan
2018A time bomb for the Euro? Understanding Germany's current account surplusPriewe, Jan