Browsing All of EconStor by Author Riediger, Michaela
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Experience Sampling | Riediger, Michaela |
2009-12 | Seeking Pleasure and Seeking Pain: Differences in Prohedonic and Contra-Hedonic Motivation From Adolescence to Old Age | Riediger, Michaela; Schmiedek, Florian; Wagner, Gert G.; Lindenberger, Ulman |
2011 | Measuring Time Use in Surveys: How Valid Are Time Use Questions in Surveys? Concordance of Survey and Experience Sampling Measures | Sonnenberg, Bettina; Riediger, Michaela; Wrzus, Cornelia; Wagner, Gert G. |
2012 | A new approach for assessing sleep duration and postures from ambulatory accelerometry | Wrzus, Cornelia; Brandmaier, Andreas M.; von Oertzen, Timo; Müller, Viktor; Wagner, Gert G.; Riediger, Michaela |
2012-10 | A New Approach for Assessing Sleep Duration and Postures from Ambulatory Accelerometry | Wrzus, Cornelia; Brandmaier, Andreas M.; von Oertzen, Timo; Müller, Viktor; Wagner, Gert G.; Riediger, Michaela |