Browsing All of EconStor by Author Schräpler, Jörg-Peter

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999Das "Interviewer-Panel" des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels : Darstellung und ausgewählte AnalysenSchräpler, Jörg-Peter; Wagner, Gert G.
2001Zweite Tertiarisierung und Arbeitsmarktdynamik: Deskriptive Exploration mit der IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe und dem sozio-oekonomischen PanelSchräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schumann, Diana
2001Respondent Behavior in Panel Studies: A Case Study of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)Schräpler, Jörg-Peter
2002Respondent behavior in panel studies : a case study for income-nonresponse by means of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)Schräpler, Jörg-Peter
2003Gross Income Non-Response in the German Socio-Economic Panel – Refusal or Don't Know?Schräpler, Jörg-Peter
2004Automatic Identification of Faked and Fraudulent Interviews in Surveys by Two Different MethodsSchäfer, Christin; Schräpler, Jörg-Peter; Müller, Klaus-Robert; Wagner, Gert G.
2005Automatie Identification of Faked and Fraudulent Interviews in the German SOEPSchäfer, Christin; Schräpler, Jörg-Peter; Müller, Klaus-Robert; Wagner, Gert G.
2006Changing from PAPI to CAPI: A Longitudinal Study of Mode-Effects Based on an Experimental DesignSchräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schupp, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G.
2007A Study of Mode-Effects of a Change from PAPI to CAPISchräpler, Jörg-Peter
200825 Wellen Sozio-oekonomisches PanelAnger, Silke; Bowen, Deborah A.; Engelmann, Michaela; Frick, Joachim R.; Goebel, Jan; Grabka, Markus M.; Groh-Samberg, Olaf; Haas, Hansjörg; Headey, Bruce; Holst, Elke; Krause, Peter; Kroh, Martin; Kurka, Christine; Lohmann, Henning; Pischner, Rainer; Rahmann, Uta; Schmitt, Christian; Schräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schupp, Jürgen; Sieber, Ingo; Siedler, Thomas; Spieß, Christa Katharina; Spieß, Martin; Tucci, Ingrid; Wagner, Gert G.
2010Changing from PAPI to CAPI: Introducing CAPI in a Longitudinal StudySchräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schupp, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G.
2010Benford's Law As an Instrument for Fraud Detection in Surveys Using the Data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Schräpler, Jörg-Peter
2010Individual and Neighborhood Determinants of Survey Nonresponse: An Analysis Based on a New Subsample of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), Microgeographic Characteristics and Survey-Based Interviewer CharacteristicsSchräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schupp, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G.
2013Conversion of non-respondents in an ongoing panel survey: The case of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Schräpler, Jörg-Peter; Schupp, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G.
2019Wie (in)stabil ist die Lebenszufriedenheit? Eine Sequenzanalyse mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP)Schräpler, Laura; Schräpler, Jörg-Peter; Wagner, Gert G.