Browsing All of EconStor by Author Seth, Stefan

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007The German Integrated Employment Biographies Sample IEBSJacobebbinghaus, Peter; Seth, Stefan
2010The Sample of Integrated Labour Market BiographiesDorner, Matthias; Heining, Jörg; Jacobebbinghaus, Peter; Seth, Stefan
2012ALWA-ADIAB – Linked Individual Survey and Administrative Data for Substantive and Methodological ResearchAntoni, Manfred; Seth, Stefan
2013Cyclicality of Job and Worker Flows: New Data and a New Set of Stylized FactsWellschmied, Felix Maximilian; Bachmann, Rüdiger; Bayer, Christian; Seth, Stefan
2013Cyclicality of job and worker flows: New data and a new set of stylized factsBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Wellschmied, Felix
2014An Overview on the Linked Employer-Employee Data of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)Heining, Jörg; Klosterhuber, Wolfram; Seth, Stefan
2014Linked Employer-Employee Data on Firms' Training Costs: Enriching Register based LEE Data with Firm Level Data on Apprenticeship TrainingDietrich, Hans; Alda, Holger; Pfeifer, Harald; Wenzelmann, Felix; Schönfeld, Gudrun; Schiel, Stefan; Seth, Stefan
2017Worker Churn and Employment Growth at the Establishment LevelBachmann, Rüdiger; Bayer, Christian; Merkl, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Stüber, Heiko; Wellschmied, Felix
2017Job and worker flows: New stylized facts for GermanyBachmann, Rüdiger; Bayer, Christian; Merkl, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Stüber, Heiko; Wellschmied, Felix
2017Worker Churn and Employment Growth at the Establishment LevelBachmann, Rüdiger; Bayer, Christian; Merkl, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Stüber, Heiko; Wellschmied, Felix
2017Worker Churn and Employment Growth at the Establishment LevelBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian; Merkl, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Stüber, Heiko; Wellschmied, Felix
2018The Administrative Wage and Labor Market Flow PanelSeth, Stefan; Stüber, Heiko
2020Decomposing the large firm wage premium in GermanyLochner, Benjamin; Seth, Stefan; Wolter, Stefanie
2020Decomposing the large firm wage premium in GermanyLochner, Benjamin; Seth, Stefan; Wolter, Stefanie