Browsing All of EconStor by Author Seymen, Atılım
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | The effects of countercyclical fiscal policy: Firm-level evidence from temporary consumption tax cuts in Turkey | Misch, Florian; Seymen, Atılım |
2012 | Nachrichtenschocks als treibende Kraft der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Dynamik | Seymen, Atılım |
2012 | Effekte temporärer Konsumsteuersenkungen als antizyklische Fiskalmaßnahme | Misch, Florian; Seymen, Atılım |
2013 | Comparing two methods for the identification of news shocks | Beaudry, Paul; Portier, Franck; Seymen, Atılım |
2013 | Die Bestimmung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte der Hartz Reformen in Deutschland | Busl, Claudia; Seymen, Atılım |
2013 | The German labour market reforms in a European context: A DSGE analysis | Busl, Claudia; Seymen, Atılım |
2013 | Sequential identification of technological news shocks | Seymen, Atılım |
2016 | Banks' interest rate risk and search for yield: A theoretical rationale and some empirical evidence | Memmel, Christoph; Seymen, Atılım; Teichert, Max |