Browsing All of EconStor by Author Steininger, Marina

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016TTIP – Potential Effects on NorwayFelbermayr, Gabriel; Aichele, Rahel; Heiland, Inga; Melchior, Arne; Steininger, Marina
2016Wie gefährlich ist die angekündigte Handelspolitik von Donald Trump?Felbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2017On the economics of an EU-Japan Free Trade AgreementFelbermayr, Gabriel; Kimura, Fukunari; Okubo, Toshihiro; Steininger, Marina; Yalcin, Erdal
2017Effekte der US-Präsidentschaft Trump: Neuer ProtektionismusFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2017Quantifying Trump: The Costs of a Protectionist USFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina; Yalcin, Erdal
2017Global Impact of a Protectionist U.S. Trade PolicyFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina; Yalcin, Erdal
2017Ökonomische Effekte eines Brexit auf die deutsche und europäische WirtschaftFelbermayr, Gabriel; Gröschl, Jasmin; Heiland, Inga; Braml, Martin; Steininger, Marina
2017Konsequenzen einer protektionistischen Handelspolitik der USAFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina; Yalcin, Erdal
2018Regionalanalyse zu den ökonomischen Auswirkungen des Brexit auf das Bundesland HessenFelbermayr, Gabriel; Lehmann, Robert; Steininger, Marina; Stutzmann, Tim
2018Quantifying the EU-Japan Economic Partnership AgreementFelbermayr, Gabriel; Kimura, Fukunari; Okubo, Toshihiro; Steininger, Marina
2018Quantifying Brexit: From Ex Post to Ex Ante Using Structural GravityFelbermayr, Gabriel; Gröschl, Jasmin Katrin; Steininger, Marina
2018Weltweite ökonomische Folgen einer zunehmend protektionistischen US-HandelspolitikYalcin, Erdal; Steininger, Marina
2019Giving Away Wealth? Trade Effects of the Yuan DevaluationBraml, Martin T.; Steininger, Marina; Braml, Martin
2019Trump’s trade attack on China − who will have the last laugh?Felbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2019Revisiting the Euro’s Trade Cost and Welfare EffectsFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2019Trump's trade attack on China – who laughs last?Felbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2019Quantifcation of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership AgreementSteininger, Marina
2019Revisiting the euro's trade cost and welfare effectsFelbermayr, Gabriel; Steininger, Marina
2019Verschenkter Wohlstand? Handelseffekte der chinesischen Yuan-AbwertungBraml, Martin T.; Steininger, Marina; Braml, Martin
2020Globalization in the Time of COVID-19Sforza, Alessandro; Steininger, Marina