Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Stuhler, Jan

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2011Heterogeneous income profiles and life-cycle bias in intergenerational mobility estimationNybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2012Mobility across multiple generations: The iterated regression fallacyStuhler, Jan
2013Interpreting Trends in Intergenerational Income MobilityNybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2015Biases in standard measures of intergenerational income dependenceNybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2016Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local EmploymentDustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta; Stuhler, Jan
2016Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local EmploymentDustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta; Stuhler, Jan
2016The Impact of Immigration: Why Do Studies Reach Such Different Results?Dustmann, Christian; Schönberg, Uta; Stuhler, Jan
2018The Transmission of Inequality Across Multiple Generations: Testing Recent Theories with Evidence from GermanyBraun, Sebastian Till; Stuhler, Jan
2018Shift-Share Instruments and the Impact of ImmigrationJaeger, David A.; Ruist, Joakim; Stuhler, Jan
2018Measurement error and rank correlationsKitagawa, Toru; Nybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2018Shift- Share Instruments and the Impact of ImmigrationJaeger, David; Ruist, Joakim; Stuhler, Jan
2021The Dynamic Response of Municipal Budgets to Revenue ShocksHelm, Ines; Stuhler, Jan
2021Intergenerational mobility in a recession: Evidence from SwedenNybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2021The Dynamic Response of Municipal Budgets to Revenue ShocksHelm, Ines; Stuhler, Jan
2021The Global COVID-19 Student Survey: First Wave ResultsJaeger, David A.; Arellano-Bover, Jaime; Karbownik, Krzysztof; Martínez Matute, Marta; Nunley, John M.; Seals, Jr., R. Alan; Almunia, Miguel; Alston, Mackenzie; Becker, Sascha O.; Beneito, Pilar; Böheim, René; Boscá, José E.; Brown, Jessica H.; Chang, Simon; Cobb-Clark, Deborah A.; Danagoulian, Shooshan; Donnally, Sandra; Eckrote-Nordland, Marissa; Farré, Lídia; Ferri, Javier; Fort, Margherita; Fruewirth, Jane Cooley; Gelding, Rebecca; Goodman, Allen C.; Guldi, Melanie; Häckl, Simone; Hankin, Janet; Imberman, Scott A.; Lahey, Joanna; Llull, Joan; Mansour, Hani; McFarlin, Isaac; Meriläinen, Jaakko; Mortlund, Tove; Nybom, Martin; O'Connell, Stephen D.; Sausgruber, Rupert; Schwartz, Amy; Stuhler, Jan; Thiemann, Petra; van Veldhuizen, Roel; Wanamaker, Marianne H.; Zhu, Maria
2022Educational InequalityBlanden, Jo; Doepke, Matthias; Stuhler, Jan
2022Estimating Intergenerational and Assortative Processes in Extended Family DataCollado, Dolores; Ortuño-Ortín, Ignacio; Stuhler, Jan
2022A lifecycle estimator of intergenerational income mobilityMello, Ursula; Nybom, Martin; Stuhler, Jan
2023Einwanderung klug, einfach und fair gestalten: Ein Vorschlag mit doppelter DividendeBarišić, Manuela; Jäger, Simon; Manning, Alan; Muñoz, Mathilde; Rinne, Ulf; Stuhler, Jan
2023The integration of migrants in the German labor market: Evidence over 50 yearsBerbée, Paul; Stuhler, Jan