Browsing All of EconStor by Author Warner, Max

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021The IFS Green Budget: October 2021Adam, Stuart; Cribb, Jonathan; Delestre, Isaac; Emmerson, Carl; Levell, Peter; Miller, Helen; Nabarro, Ben; Ogden, Kate; Phillips, David; Salisbury, Adam; Schulz, Christian; SiƓn, Cian; Stockton, Isabel; Warner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2022Does funding follow need? An analysis of the geographic distribution of public spending in EnglandPhillips, David; Sibieta, Luke; Warner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2022NHS funding, resources and treatment volumesWarner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2022Factors associated with staff retention in the NHS acute sectorKelly, Elaine; Stoye, George; Warner, Max
2023One year on from the backlog recovery plan: What next for NHS waiting lists?Warner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2023Patterns of less-than-full-time working by NHS consultantsKelly, Elaine; Stoye, George; Warner, Max
2023Implications of the NHS workforce planWarner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2023How much public spending does each area receive? Local authority level estimates of health, police, school and local government spendingOgden, Kate; Phillips, David; Warner, Max
2023The effects of pension reforms on physician labour supply: Evidence from the English NHSPropper, Carol; Stoye, George; Warner, Max
2024Ethnic diversity of NHS doctorsStockton, Isabel; Warner, Max
2024Healthcare spending, staffing and activityPhillips, David; Warner, Max
2024The past and future of UK health spendingStoye, George; Warner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2024Progression of nurses within the NHSStoye, George; Warner, Max
2024The IFS Scottish Budget Report: 2024-2025Boileau, Bee; Ogden, Kate; Phillips, David; Ray-Chaudhuri, Sam; Thomas, Madeline; Warner, Max; Waters, Tom; Wernham, Tom
2024The past and future of NHS waiting lists in EnglandWarner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2024The fiscal implications of public service productivityWarner, Max; Zaranko, Ben
2024Options for the 2024 Spending Review and beyondBoileau, Bee; Warner, Max; Zaranko, Ben