Browsing All of EconStor by Author Zollmann, Jakob

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015»Rechtshistoriker als Revisionsrichter«? Über die Frage nach der Moral im Blick auf das Recht der jüngeren VergangenheitZollmann, Jakob
2016Austrägalgerichtsbarkeit: interstate dispute settlement in a confederate arrangement, 1815 to 1866Zollmann, Jakob
2016Naulila 1914. World War I in Angola and International Law: A Study in (Post-)Colonial Border Regimes and Interstate ArbitrationZollmann, Jakob
2018African International Legal Histories – International Law in Africa: Perspectives and PossibilitiesZollmann, Jakob
2019[Book Review] Sandler, Willeke. Empire in the Heimat: Colonialism and Public Culture in the Third Reich. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018Zollmann, Jakob
2019[Book review] Matthias Häussler, Der Genozid an den Herero. Krieg, Emotion und extreme Gewalt in »Deutsch-Südwestafrika«, Weilerswist: Velbrück 2018Zollmann, Jakob
2020Becoming a Good Farmer—Becoming a Good Farm Worker: On Colonial Educational Policies in Germany and German South-West Africa, Circa 1890 to 1918Zollmann, Jakob
2020EthiopiaZollmann, Jakob
2021Negotiated Partition of South Africa – An Idea and its History (1920s–1980s)Zollmann, Jakob
2021[Book Review] Völkerrechtliche Beziehungen zwischen Äthiopien und Italien im Lichte des Vertrages von Uccialli/Wuchale (1889), written by Hatem ElliesieZollmann, Jakob
2022[Book Review] Van Hulle, Inge: Britain and International Law in West Africa. The Practice of Empire. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2020Zollmann, Jakob
2022[Rezension] Grill, B.: Afrika! Rückblicke in die Zukunft eines Kontinents. München: Siedler Verlag 2021Zollmann, Jakob