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1991The Correlation of Durations in Multivariate Hazard Rate Modelsvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Steerneman, Ton
1997Business Cycles and Compositional Variation in U.S. UnemploymentAbbring, Jaap H.; van den Berg, Gerard J.; van Ours, Jan C.
1998Combining Micro and Macro Unemployment Duration Datavan den Berg, Gerard J.; van der Klaauw, Bas
1998Displaced Workers in the United States and the NetherlandsAbbring, Jaap H.; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Gautier, Pieter A.; van Lomwel, A. Gijsbert C.; van Ours, Jan C.; Ruhm, Christopher J.
1998Punitive Sanctions and the Transition Rate from Welfare to Workvan den Berg, Gerard J.; van der Klaauw, Bas; van Ours, Jan C.
1998Unemployment Dynamics and Agevan den Berg, Gerard J.; Gijsbert, A.; van Lomwel, C.; van Ours, Jan C.
1998Empirical Inference with Equilibrium Search Models of the Labor Marketvan den Berg, Gerard J.
1999Measuring the Equilibrium Effects of Unemployment Benefits Dispersionvan Vuuren, Aico; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Ridder, Geert
1999Separations at the Firm LevelGautier, Pieter A.; van den Berg, Gerard J.; van Ours, Jan C.; Ridder, Geert
1999Declining Prices in the Sequential Dutch Flower Auction of Rosesvan den Berg, Gerard J.; van Ours, Jan C.; Pradhan, Menno P.
1999The Duration of Unemployment in RussiaGrogan, Louise; van den Berg, Gerard J.
1999Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labor Markets with Informational Frictions and Heterogeneous Production Technologiesvan den Berg, Gerard J.
1999Do Stepping Stone Jobs exist? Early Career Paths in the Medical Professionvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Holm, Anders; van Ours, Jan C.
2000Combining Micro and Macro Unemployment Duration Datavan den Berg, Gerard J.; van der Klaauw, Bas
2000The Non-Parametric Identification of the Mixed Proportional Hazards Competing Risks ModelAbbring, Jaap H.; van den Berg, Gerard J.
2000Using Firm Data to assess the Performance of Equilibrium Search Models of the Labor Marketvan den Berg, Gerard J.; van Vuuren, Aico
2001An Econometric Analysis of the Mental-Health Effects of Major Events in the Life of Elderly IndividualsLindeboom, Maarten; Portrait, France; van den Berg, Gerard J.
2001Counseling and Monitoring of Unemployed Workers: Theory and Evidence from a Controlled Social Experimentvan den Berg, Gerard J.; van der Klaauw, Bas
2001An Econometric Analysis of the Mental-health Effects of Major Events in the Life of Elderly IndividualsLindeboom, Maarten; Portrait, France; van den Berg, Gerard J.
2002The effect of vocational employment training on the individual transition rate from unemployment to workRichardson, Katarina; van den Berg, Gerard J.