Browsing All of EconStor by Author von Ehrlich, Maximilian

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Fiscal competition, convergence and agglomerationFenge, Robert; von Ehrlich, Maximilian; Wrede, Matthias
2008Going NUTS: the effect of EU structural funds on regional performanceBecker, Sascha O.; Egger, Peter; von Ehrlich, Maximilian; Fenge, Robert
2012More similar firms - More similar regions? On the role of firm heterogeneity for agglomerationvon Ehrlich, Maximilian; Seidel, Tobias
2013Regional Implications of Financial Market Development: Credit Rationing, Trade, and LocationSeidel, Tobias; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2013Regional implications of financial market development: Credit rationing, trade, and locationvon Ehrlich, Maximilian; Seidel, Tobias
2013Generalized propensity scores for multiple continuous treatment variablesEgger, Peter H.; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2014Income taxes, sorting, and the costs of housing: Evidence from municipal boundaries in SwitzerlandBasten, Christoph Carl; von Ehrlich, Maximilian; Lassmann, Andrea
2014Income Taxes, Sorting, and the Costs of Housing: Evidence from Municipal Boundaries in SwitzerlandBasten, Christoph; von Ehrlich, Maximilian; Lassmann, Andrea
2014The persistent effects of regional policy - Evidence from the West-German ZonenrandgebietSeidel, Tobias; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2015The persistent effects of placed-based policy - Evidence from the West-German ZonenrandgebietSeidel, Tobias; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2015The Persistent Effects of Place-Based Policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebietvon Ehrlich, Maximilian; Seidel, Tobias
2015The persistent effects of place-based policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebietvon Ehrlich, Maximilian; Seidel, Tobias
2015Langfristige Effekte der RegionalpolitikSeidel, Tobias; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2016Financial Development and Inequality in the Global Economyvon Ehrlich, Maximilian; Seidel, Tobias
2017On the optimal design of place-based policies: A structural evaluation of EU regional transfersBlouri, Yashar; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2017Cities and the Structure of Social Interactions: Evidence from Mobile Phone DataBüchel, Konstantin; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2017On the Optimal Design of Place-Based Policies: A Structural Evaluation of EU Regional TransfersBlouri, Yashar; von Ehrlich, Maximilian
2024Enhancing objectivity and decision relevance: A better framework for evaluating cohesion policiesHeinemann, Friedrich; Asatryan, Zareh; Bachtrögler, Julia; Birkholz, Carlo; Corti, Franceso; von Ehrlich, Maximilian; Fratesi, Ugo; Fuest, Clemens; Lang, Valentin; Weber, Martin
2024The importance of EU Cohesion Policy for economic growth and convergencevon Ehrlich, Maximilian