CFS Working Paper Series, Universität Frankfurt a. M.

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 703
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Contagious stablecoins?van Buggenum, Hugo; Gersbach, Hans; Zelzner, Sebastian
2024Is the government always greener?Di Tommaso, Caterina; Perdichizzi, Salvatore; Vigne, Samuel; Zaghini, Andrea
2024The economic rise of China: An integrated analysis of China's growth driversBrühl, Volker
2024Looking beyond ESG preferences: The role of sustainable finance literacy in sustainable investingAuzepy, Alix; Bannier, Christina E.; Gärtner, Florian
2024The development of China's exports: Is there a decoupling from the EU and the United States?Brühl, Volker
2023Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI): Foundations, use cases and economic potentialBrühl, Volker
2023Fixed and variable longevity annuities in defined contribution plans: Optimal retirement portfolios taking social security into accountHorneff, Vanya; Maurer, Raimond; Mitchell, Olivia S.
2023Biased auctioneersAubry, Mathieu; Kräussl, Roman; Manso, Gustavo; Spaenjers, Christophe
2023Hedge fund investment in ETFsCumming, Douglas J.; Monteiro, Pedro
2023Sovereign wealth fund investment in venture capital, private equity, and real asset fundsCumming, Douglas J.; Monteiro, Pedro
2023Does family matter? Venture capital cross-fund cash flowsKräussl, Roman; Rinne, Kalle; Sunc, Huizhu
2023Closed-end funds and discount control mechanismsKräussl, Roman; Pollet, Joshua M.; Stefanova, Denitsa
2023Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): A review of pricing determinants, applications and opportunitiesKräussl, Roman; Tugnetti, Alessandro
2023Enough liquidity with enough capital - And vice versa?Gersbach, Hans; Haller, Hans; Zelzner, Sebastian
2023A broader perspective on the inflationary effects of energy price shocksKilian, Lutz; Zhou, Xiaoqing
2023Trust in risk sharing: A double-edged swordCole, Harold L.; Krueger, Dirk; Mailath, George J.; Park, Yena
2023Art collectors as venture capitalistsWhitaker, Amy; Kräussl, Roman
2023Dark trading and financial markets stabilityGonçalves, Jorge; Kräussl, Roman; Levin, Vladimir
2023Heterogeneity in the pass-through from oil to gasoline prices: A new instrument for estimating the price elasticity of gasoline demandKilian, Lutz; Zhou, Xiaoqing
2023Walk the talk: Shareholders' soft engagement at annual general meetingsAuzepy, Alix; Bannier, Christina E.; Martin, Fabio
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 703
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers